
So, um.

Funny story.

You know how, when some people are going to Florida in less than 24 hours with their boyfriend for a week-long vacation to celebrate his taking the bar exam, they might, you know…attempt to clean out their fridge and rid themselves of all perishables before leaving?

About that…


There’s actually, uh, this other subset of people who buy ten pounds of stone fruit a mere FIVE DAYS before their departure.

I wouldn’t know anyone like that.

Other than myself.  Oops.


But guys, I couldn’t help it!  My eyes are totally bigger than my stomach when it comes to stone fruits.  I think it’s because they’re only around for such a narrow window of time that I feel this absurdly strong compulsion to stuff as many of them into my mouth as possible as often as possible while they are.

But really…there are only so many pounds of peaches a girl can eat in one day.


Unless, of course, they’re in cobbler form.  Then…she may or may not be able to eat 2.5 pounds in an hour.

I won’t tell you how I know this.  But it’s been experimentally proven.


Just make this cobbler.  You’ll see.

PS – Even though I’ll be away on vacation, my ridiculous ramblings on the blog will continue as usual and I have some great recipes coming your way next week, so be sure to stop by!  Responses to comments/emails might be slightly delayed.  Sorry!


Blueberry Peach Cobbler
Serves 12, adapted from Cooking Light


  • 5 lb peaches, pitted and sliced
  • 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1 cup sugar, divided
  • 3/8 tsp salt, divided
  • 6 3/4 oz plus 2 tbsp flour, divided
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 cup butter, softened
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cup lowfat buttermilk
  • 2 cups fresh blueberries
  • 2 tbsp turbinado sugar


  1. Preheat oven to 375.
  2. In a large bowl, toss peaches with lemon juice, 3/4 cup sugar, 1/8 tsp salt and 2 tbsp flour.  Arrange peaches in a 9×13-inch baking pan coated with cooking spray.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and remaining 1/4 tsp salt.  Place the butter and remaining 1/4 cup sugar in a the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment and cream together until light and fluffy, about 2-3 minutes on medium-high speed.  Add in the eggs, one at a time, scraping down the sides of the bowl after each addition.  Mix in the vanilla extract.  Add the flour and buttermilk, alternating between the two, starting and ending with the flour.  Stir in the blueberries.  Pour the batter over the peaches and spread evenly.  Sprinkle the top with the turbinado sugar.
  4. Place pan on a foil-lined baking sheet and bake for 1 hour or until topping is golden and filling is bubbly.


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81 Responses to Blueberry Peach Cobbler

  1. Summer fruits are the best!! I’d have no problem eating up this whole cobbler in a day or two. 🙂 Have a fabulous vaca!

  2. Simply Life says:

    have a great time! congrats to the bf on passing the bar!

  3. have a great vacations! and write us ho it’s going 🙂

  4. Enjoy your vacation! What a way to clean out the frig, a really delicious way. Looks fantastic!

  5. Julie says:

    Have a great vacation!!!

  6. Haha you and I are way too alike… I was at the market just 3 days before vacation re-stocking produce!

    Have a fab time and please let’s make plans when you are back!

  7. I get into the same trouble, Joanne. I bought freshly picked peaches 5 days before I left for Calgary except I ate them when I returned since they were so fresh. 🙂

    Alas, the trouble with summer… too many fruits!! The horror! 😉

  8. This looks fantastic! I really love the combo of blueberry and peach…so beautiful together.

  9. Sam says:

    I’m in the same boat. I have a CSA pick up tomorrow and then I leave on Wednesday morning.

    Enjoy your trip! The cobbler looks delicious.

  10. Gloria says:

    Look amazing and I love peaches and I miss them but I hsve blueberrirx.Have a nice vacation Joanne!

  11. Kim says:

    I could just about inhale some of this cobbler right now. Like you, I have a hard time resisting stone fruit. Love that stuff!

    Have a great time on vacation!

  12. Amy says:

    Even worse is when *you* think you’re out of grapes, so you stockpile, only to find upon returning home…um…you totally have grapes. And now the new ones won’t fit in the bin. Maybe I need to make cobbler. But with grapes? That just sort of sounds wrong. Have fun, my love!!

  13. I’m horrible at trying to time my food consumption before going away, I either buy/make way too much too close to my departure and have too much to eat, or I eat everything up too fast and have nothing left. I’m sure I would have had no problem trying to finish that cobbler on time, it looks amazing! Hope you have a great time in Florida!

  14. Have fun on your vacation!! Love the cobbler! Nothing like the combination of peaches and blueberries!!!

  15. Mary says:

    This cobbler is mouthwatering. Love the photos and now I’m dreaming of peach blueberry combinations!

  16. Marcia says:

    You know, I’ve never been much of a cobbler person. I’m more of a “crisp” girl. But I’ve made blueberry peach crisp and blueberry peach galette (though that was in a cooking class…)

  17. Shannon says:

    this sounds DELISH. and there’s no stopping me with stone fruits, either. except now i can 😉 Enjoy the vaca!!

  18. Tandy says:

    I’m also a sicker for stone fruit! Cobbler is on my to do list. Have a super vacation 🙂

  19. daphne says:

    happy vacation!!!! and bring back heaps of ideas. This clobber looks divine!

  20. 10 pounds of fruit?! I’d be more than happy to take some off your load! And this cobbler? Dude, freaking genius way to use up your fruit. And that fruity juice just sitting there on that place is absolutely killing me!

  21. sandra says:

    wow – does that ever look good… how long are peaches around for, anyway?

  22. This looks WONDERFUL! Saving this recipe for later 🙂

  23. Eileen says:

    COBBLER! So that’s what I forgot when dealing with all the plums in the land. But hey–you can totally cut up some of your massive pile of stone fruit and make schnapps! Right? 🙂 Peach and blueberry sounds perfect for late summer–especially with some vanilla ice cream.

  24. LOL! Well, you sound like me, so I won’t say anything! I love fruits especially peaches, nectarines, blueberries… ohhh I can’t let go. I have to have everything around, but sometimes they ripe at the same time and I’m eating them as if they are one meal. I would love to make this delicious looking cobbler! Thank you for sharing (and helping me use my fruits)! Have a great vacation and enjoy the summer!

  25. Sara says:

    Yum, this cobbler looks super delicious – perfect for summer fruit!

  26. Elizabeth says:

    I can’t blame you. I would not be able to hold off, the season IS so short and they’re just too good

  27. london bakes says:

    I’m definitely one of those people too. And if it means that you have lots of pre-vacation cobblers, than so be it.

  28. OMG….
    I have such huge weakness for cobblers… They really make me happy..
    This is looking sinful… But then again I am a Bad Girl… 😉

  29. Foodycat says:

    Enjoy your holiday! (I love that the date has become the bf).

  30. I love your addition of turbinado and buttermilk in this! btw…your bf is one luuuucky man! =D

  31. Christine says:

    Looks so good, love peaches with blueberries! I’m sorely tempted to brave turning on the oven to make this. Would probably put it in 2- 8×8’s or 9×9’s so I can give one away. Have a wonderful holiday!

  32. DANG this makes my mouth water. Loving all these summery, fruity flavors!

  33. Ranjani says:

    This looks amazing. I know what I’ll be buying at the farmers’ market tomorrow…

  34. Hotly Spiced says:

    I’m sure I’d be back for seconds of this dessert. Love the combination of peaches and blueberries. And yes, stone fruits are so much better than that horrid winter fruit, the mandarin! Have a great holiday Joanne and congrats to your boyfriend on passing the bar exam xx

  35. Monet says:

    Smile. Cobblers can cure all ills, of this I’m utterly convinced. Thank you for sharing, sweet friend. Have a great holiday!

  36. Kalyn Denny says:

    I am way too old to be writing things like OMG, but I really wan to! Have a great time!

  37. Beth says:

    I would do exactly the same thing — buy all that fruit, then make a cobbler out of it. If there’s anything better than a seasonal fruit cobbler, I don’t know what it is. Have a fun holiday!

  38. Jeanette says:

    Joanne – stone fruits are one of my favorite summer fruits, especially white peaches. I need to get a bunch so I can try making cobbler. Beautiful!

  39. Mary says:

    What a sweet treat! No pun intended. I hope the bar exam went well and that the two of you have a fantastic vacation. Have fun. Blessings…Mary

  40. A week vacation, awesome. Send me whatever you don’t finish in time and I’ll eat it up 🙂

  41. Margarita says:

    I hear ya! My fridge is loaded with fruits and veggies yet I go to the farmers market and grocery store just about 3 times a week. Surprisingly though, it all gets eaten somehow… I guess when most of the stuff we eat are fruits and veggies its ok to eat a lot, right?

    This cobbler is too heavenly for words. Really… I wish I could have a plateful of it.

  42. That Girl says:

    He’s done with the Bar by now, right? He’s going to be SO much more fun.

  43. And that’s why you’re totally my kinda girl! This looks awesome…I want a warm plateful with a scoop of cold vanilla ice cream…mmm. Hope you have a blast in Florida!

  44. Lori says:

    I am so guilty of that! I think, I need a watermelon, wait, I’m going to be gone for 5 days! I love peaches with blueberries and this looks amazing. Enjoy your trip!

  45. Lynn says:

    That looks delish – you know I love some peaches. 🙂 Have a great time in Florida!

  46. love2dine says:

    gosh i am in love with your photos.

  47. Kari says:

    As an 8 year old, I came out in a rash that was eventually linked back to my eating a ridiculous number of apricots each day for, oh, most of summer. So I understand! This cobbler looks wonderful irrespective of fruit greed though 🙂

  48. Blond Duck says:

    The best part is you can freeze it and have a taste of summer in the winter.

  49. grace says:

    WHERE is your vanilla ice cream? cobbler is naked without it. 🙂

  50. Pam says:

    It looks pretty delicious to me! I will be trying it soon. CL has some great recipes and thanks for sharing this one. Have a fantastic time in FL!!!

  51. This cobbler looks delicious! What a perfect summer dessert!

  52. Chris says:

    Sigh….I am smoking an 8 lb pork butt. The boys are in Florida so it’s just Alexis and me here. And we leave in 2 days to pick them up and then travel to Wisconsin.

    So I shall not taunt your stone fruit buying arse 🙂

  53. Guru Uru says:

    I am absolutely in love with cobblers so this is really killing me 😀
    Love it!

    Choc Chip Uru

  54. Reeni says:

    I have the same problem – baking is the best fix for it. This looks absolutely luscious! Have a fun vacation!

  55. Great cobbler and congrats to your guy on passing the bar

  56. I’ve totally done that. Big oopsie – but you turned it into something awesome! Have a great vacation!

  57. It looks so delish! Who can say no to this? Have a fun and enjoyable vacation!

  58. Katie says:

    Have a fabulous time on your vacation! Those peach slices look so beautiful poking through the cobbler. I could eat stone fruits all day!

  59. Erica says:

    Looks amazing! what a delicious summer dessert….Love the combination of fruits!

  60. Katerina says:

    I can see that we both are in a peach mood! The cobbler looks absolutely mouthwatering!

  61. Shannon says:

    Gawd… what a beautiful cobbler! Have a great trip!

    p.s. about 2 lbs of the most sweet, delicious strawberries died in my crisper while I was on vacation, wah

  62. Oh my god, this looks freaking amazing. I NEED to make this now.

  63. That is one fantastic looking cobbler! Enjoy your trip – and I’d be drooling over here 🙂

  64. Lora says:

    A perfect use for peaches. FYI The farmer’s market on 2nd ave & 10th street alway has amazing peaches big as a cat’s head and so juicy. I buy a ton of them every week. Have fin in FL!

  65. Pam says:

    Beautiful & delicious. I hope you are having a blast with The.Boy. in Florida right now.

  66. kyleen says:

    This cobbler looks amazing. And I have the same pan as you! I think it’s a sign that I’m supposed to make this blueberry peach cobbler.

  67. says:

    Hi Joanne 😀
    Thank you for posting the blueberry peach cobbler recipe.
    I’ve been looking for this recipe since forever! LOL. 😀
    I’d like to invite you to submit the pictures of your blueberry peach cobbler to Food Photography so other chefs can make the same creation. 🙂
    You know it’s fun to make others hungry. 😀
    Can’t wait for your recipe. 😀

  68. You wild woman! I’m glad you had to use up those stone fruits though and came up with this! Delicious!

  69. Johanna GGG says:

    oh so fruity and so yummy – I love the sound of that even if my head right now can’t quite convert your emperial measures to work out just how thick the batter is – I think buying lots of peaches is wise at any time – sounds like a great snack to take the airport where they always have rubbish food

  70. Roz says:

    Joanne, I so understand having eyes too large for the tummy (and in my case often too large for what my wallet can afford!). I go crazy when I see the beauty of fresh fruits in season and in the markets! Having already purchased 2 1/2 bushels of sweet and in season peaches, I’m printing a collection of great recipes to use these peaches in . . . this recipe from Cooking Light sounds just perfect! Thanks for directing me to this because I just can’t read every issue of C.L. or any of my other cooking mags for that matter. So it’s nice that you found it,made it, and shared it. Have a lovely day!

  71. everyone in the pool creations is what I like to call them.
    I do that a lot with veggies and any leftover meats from TJ’s.
    hope you’re having a great vacation.
    i don’t know why florida in the summer–maybe because you’re crazy?
    isn’t the humidity horrid there?
    I just made a peach shortcake last night; used them all up. Saved zip for this morning 🙁
    The peaches at whole foods are so good!!

  72. Esi says:

    TEN POUNDS of fruit? Hope you were able to use it all up. This sounds like a good way to start.

  73. You can add moi to that list. I had a serious problem buying too much fruit last summer!

  74. Looks like a perfect summer dessert. Have a great time in Florida!

  75. Kerstin says:

    Hope you’re having an amazing vacation!! The cobbler is gorgeous – I SO wish I was enjoying some right now!

  76. Deborah says:

    I CANNOT wait until peaches are in season here, and I will shamelessly pack my fridge full of them!!

  77. love2dine says:

    Um, I am totally making that

  78. Catherine says:

    Dear Joanne, This looks wonderful. It is waiting for a big scoop of ice cream or whip cream or BOTH!! I would love it. Blessings dearest. Catherine xoxo

  79. Anonymous says:

    I made this and got rave reviews from my pie loving family! I used peaches, nectarines and of course, blueberries! Yum!!

  80. Stunning stuff! I could eat peaches and blueberries all day! 🙂

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