“When I was your age,” I will say. As I rock back and forth in my chair. (You know, that chair that all grandparents seem to have that is their chair.) “We had it rough. We didn’t have mini airplanes or time travel machines or winter jackets with built in space heaters or any of the other new-fangled gadgets that you kids have today.”
“You young’ns. You can’t even imagine. I had to walk to school. In the blizzard of 2010. Nope. No snow days when you’re training to be a doctor. No siree, Bob. Like the postal service. Rain. Or. Shine.”
Speaking of which. I know the postal service says rain or shine. But my mail has been awfully slow lately. And I can’t help but think that someone out there is making the executive decision to delay delivery due to inclement weather. Without consulting me. Not to point any fingers or anything. But I ordered three jars of peanut butter from Naturally Nutty. Over a week ago. Yes, that’s right. I’ve been without peanut butter for over. A. Week. (I would buy more. But then I’d have four jars of peanut butter once the other ones got here. And that seems to me like slight overkill. As well as a vaguely dangerous situation.)
And things are just reaching the point. Where they might. Get. Ugly.
So whoever you are. Wherever you are. I would deliver my mail. Immediately.
Or I will find you. And trust me. You don’t want that to happen.
I know how to use a scalpel now. Think about it.
Back to the presumptive grandkids. I will fail to mention, of course, that my walk to school was about 500 feet. (Isn’t selective memory a great thing?) Or that Cornell hires people to clean off the sidewalks on the medical campus every five minutes. So my only real contact with the snow was that I could see it from my window. Hey, I live on the 12th floor. Those flakes looked pretty big. At least at this height.
And then. After this didactic encounter. To further drive home my point about how you should never really forget your past. I will say, “You kids look hungry. I think we should go eat some of that chocolate bread now.”
Because nothing seems so homey and rustic as homemade bread. Or. Quite as timeless.
(However. I would gladly donate money to whoever wants to invent that space-heater-in-a-winter-coat. Like I said. Rustic is nice. But being cold is highly overrated. And I’m kind of over it.)
You can find the recipe for the chocolate espresso bread here. Us HBinFive-ers were supposed to make the chocolate tangerine bars. But I wanted chocolate espresso sandwiches. So I made a loaf and added in some tangerine zest and cranberries to the dough.It was splendid. And this is coming from a non-chocolate lover (I’m a vanilla person, what can I say). So you know it was good. Check out Michelle’s blog on the 15th to see how everyone else’s loaves turned out!
Honey Cinnamon Cream Cheese
Serves 8-ish
8 oz light cream cheese
2 tbsp honey
1/4 tsp cinnamon
Mix all of the ingredients together. Try not to go at the mixture with a spoon. As if it were ice cream. And eat it all in one sitting. It will be hard. But you will regret it if you do.
Not that I speak from experience or anything.
I am also submitting this to the Monthly Mingle, which is being hosted this month at Life’s A Feast. It has also been yeastspotted!
Wow..that looks great and so healthy…Yumm!
anyone who makes bread is a rock star, just my two cents! yummy breakfast!
The title of this post alone is pure poetry.
this looks great but I think you left about ten words out of the title – LOL
Oh my. That looks amazing. Seriously. Love the cream cheese.
Drool! Looks like I’ll be making another one of your recipes very soon! I love your recipes!!
Wow!!! this looks really great and I love the cream cheese:)
dude i feel the SAME way about the mail service lately! and i think they’re skimping on my mail too. yesterday we got ONE envelope! wtf is up with that.
i think you should head over to the post office and see if they’re eating peanut butter sammies…then you’ll know why your pb is taking a really long time to get there..
lol, its always such a delight to read your writeups. As its peanut butter you are waiting for, I would just check to make sure that stuck in cold stormy weather the postal guys didn’t snack on it themselves 😀
The bread looks delicious with the cream cheese.
oh yum! i love what you did with this! the cream cheese looks amazing! mine is rising as we speak!
The cinnamon cream cheese must taste wonderful with this bread! Makes me want to make it again just to try it 🙂
The bread looks very good but the cream cheese looks even more amazing on this! I should totally make this. I love your pictures, they completely make me want to dive in and take a bite. I guess that’s the point, huh.
Wow, that bread sounds terrific with all the incredible flavors going on here! And I would love the honey cinnamon cream cheese with it!
that is amazing! i crave carbs hardcore!
I’m curious with the tangerine, where do you come up with the stuff Joanne?
Oh heck yes. OVER IT. I live in a friggin’ state where winter lasts 5 months long. I have forgotten what the color of grass is?? I would rather hang myself than be a mail carrier in my neighborhood.
I cannot believe you are without peanut butter. Have you started twitching?
This bread sounds absolutely divine. God, the cream cheese part put me over the edge. And does this mean you’re sticking to your new year’s resolution to only eat homemade bread?
Now that stuff just looks dangerous.
That bread is so flavorful. Sounds soooo good!
The bread looks so good and I lpve the cream cheese…irresistable!
Since I’ve taken up running (sort of), I’ve used that as an excuse to eat peanut butter straight from the jar. Far more often than I’d care to admit.
So don’t tell on me, ok?
I’m dying to make chocolate bread – so if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to get the recipe.
Oh my that looks amazing! I love honey walnut cream cheese so I’ve GOT to try the honey cinnamon 🙂
Chocolate espresso bread? Looks amazing!
ça à l’air délicieux et super appétissant
bonne soirée
Delicious! And I am totally digging the cream cheese.
LOL – I was out of peanut butter too this week and couldn’t get to the store until today. I have been craving my pb&j sandwich all week long. I’ll have to check out the pb company you ordered from.
Glad to hear you didn’t have to trudge through the snow this week. At least Cornell takes care of their students that way.
The chocolate expresso bread sounds delicious and the honey cream cheese is a terrific stand in (that is only until the pb arrives in the mail)! I haven’t made any bread yet, I might have to sit this one out.
i love this post! chocolate rocks. and the title is soo long. loves.
how can i hate you? i’m just a crazy mustard fanatic.
=D what do you eat for breakfast?
IT IS SO LIBERATING! too bad micro 1 starts nxt week. my life is AWESOME!
how’s it going with you? my sister is getting reading to learn to suture. on pig feet. FUN TIMES.
yums that looks amazing! the other day I had a english muffin with cream cheese and honey and it was A-Mazing! but I am sure this tastes 100 times better lol
Nothing ever beats fresh warm bread! Yours is a dream come true!
My kids text me when they’re in the next room, can’t even imagine how it will be when my grandchildren come along, never mind yours! Hopefully they will invent a way to transport food over the internet soon 🙂
I am over the cold too – and I live in freakin’ Florida! Make it stop!!
My Mom used to tell us stories about walking miles to school. Well, come to find out they lived right across the street from the grade school and just a block south of the high school..LOL!
The Cinnamon Honey Cream Cheese sounds incredible and the perfect spread for the Espresso Bread.
Oh the snow.. the snow kept my children home 3 days in a row from school this week, 2 days last week, and 3 days in december, just a bit much. Then our plow man( of course Joanne he is a hot handsome dude) barreled through our fence while plowing the driveway.. Bet your snow looked real pretty in the city though esp from the 12th floor!!!
The bread sounds delightful, and your charming stories always grab my attention!
I think you might really have some stories to tell those grandkids some day- that’s quite a storm you’ve had there. Too bad about the peanut butter, but how lovely that you had ingredients to make that wonderful bread!
I love the idea of cinnamon cream cheese. This bread sounds delicious and I love your story 🙂
looks wonderful joanne and happy valentine…
I love the bread and the cream cheese just takes it over the top–Yum!
I’m not keen on chocolate either, but I wouldn’t refuse a slice of this. Looks very good indeed!
Yes, the cold is very over rated. The only time it feels good is during moments of insanity.
As for chocolate bread, that looks scrumptious and anyone would have to be insane not to enjoy it. Wonderful recipe, especially with the addition of cream cheese.
Looks lovely Joanne.You have a wonderful space here.
Well, we don’t get snow in LA, but I do have grandparents, and I too am a “vanilla” person. So this story had much for me to appreciate. Besides, I am obsessed with good peanut butter and will immediately check out this brand you mentioned! All in all a very good minute and a half was spent here. TKS GREG
This is a really interesting combination of flavors! The honey and chocolate combination is really intriguing…
Ithaca would definitely be one place that could benefit from the heated jacket idea… I’m from not too far away, and I moved to Boston to get away from the cold!
This looks delicious! I love the honey cinnamon cream cheese.
Oh would love to hear about all the things u would tell ur grand children…and selective memory sure will make ur imagination top notch(not that u’ll really ever have selective mem-impossible for u)
And u know grandchildren does sound so so romantic these days doesnt it?
i sure know what u talk coz i too have no valentine,valentine…heheheheehe…but love does make our world go round and we bloggers are family jus like our families…love that dont we…….
and thanxs for ur fantastic sprinkle …u always make me grin joyfully..
Oh the breads u bake…..always have me raving …u top….
Oh yeah love is in the air,wish ya loads of it @ 365…..
Hey darlin!! How are ya? Sorry Ive been slacking on my blgs. Im so catching up now! (Work has me mad slammed right now) But your post just made my day. I so wish I could be kickin back with a nice cup of coffee and and a huge slice of your Cranberry Tangerine Chocolate Espresso Whole Wheat Bread with Honey Cinnamon Cream Cheese…that would so rock my world. It looks amazing!!! I hope you have a FABULOUS weekend girl. Would love to hear whats been going on with ya!
I agree that there is nothing quite like homemade bread…..and THAT bread looks wonderful 🙂
Your bread looks wonderful! I love the the extra goodies you threw in and the cream cheese spread looks like the perfect topping!
I can’t wait until those space heater jackets are available!! ;D
That looks delicious…perfect for breakfast with a cup of black coffee! Love the honey cream cheese.
First, speaking as a grandma, I gave my rocking chair away to my young neighbor, a few years ago. We, old folks think rocking chairs are for nursing mothers. At least, that is why I got one.
You young’uns are just so confused about the elderly – that’s not me. I believe that we are as young as we feel….we will leave it at that.
Feeble me could just manage to gobble that chocolate bread and spoon out the cream cheese. It must be medical students who have the problems.
Good job, Joanne. I still love you. It is Valentine’s Day. Can’t get too mad at you for making fun of old geezers. Is a geezer a man? I’m not.
The bread is so rich and complex with all those flavors! I bet it’s heavenly! Especially with that special cream cheese. It’s time for breakfast and nothing I’m going to eat even comes close to this…sad.
Oh wow, talk about a fabulous combo! I need to try honey cream cheese!
This sounds so delicious- Great for breakfast, snack, AND dessert!
You make me laugh out loud! I love the missives and the breads!
What stories you’ll have to tell. The bread is beautiful.
I am so over the cold too. where is spring when you want it! Hm, I think i might have cream cheese with our leftovers tomorrow
Honey Cinnamon Cream Cheese, wow, don’t you know the way to my heart! Well, off to trudge up the hill in the cold and snow to..wait I don’t have anywhere to go! Think I’ll stay inside and bake bread.
Zoe and Jeff would be so proud of your bread!
Pictures make me want to eat it with a hot cup of tea.
That cream cheese is a treat! Would love a little sandwich of this with a cup of strong java.
I am so impressed by what you baked, the photos, rn, and that you are also in medical school! Wow, do you ever sleep? 🙂
Everything looks beautiful, and I love your humor.
Hah! You are hilarious about your future story-telling! I’m sure your grandkids will enjoy! This bread looks delicious, and the cream cheese topping looks even better. I hope you got your peanut butters by now!
Such beautiful photos! Love the idea of cinnamon cream chese on the chocolate bread. Great job!
YUM!!! Cream Cheese? Honey? Cinnamon? what a great combo and perfect for this bread.
i hate waiting on packages! seriously, i get so antsy over it. especially when it contains food, i mean, really?!
i think your pictures and food are getting better and better because i can only read your blog when i am really full, otherwise i want to go eat everything within my sights…
Too funny and yeah, already using the selective memory thing. Thanks so much for baking this too yummy bread for my Monthly Mingle. I mean one look at that title had me floored just imaging that flavor party in my mouth!
Love the cream cheese on your bread. I did the PB thing on mine and loved it 🙂 Hope yours arrives soon!
I thought it would be easier to just put the extras in the chocolate bread dough and bake it up too. Love it with the cream cheese!
Count me in on that space heater jacket too!
This looks yummy! Your posts always keep me entertained. 🙂
Yum! Great job! That cream cheese sounds heavenly.
that sounds incredible! i am having trouble dealing with the snow too.
Beautiful bread! Love your pictures and writing, very clever!!
I’ll have to try that cream cheese. It looks delicious!
wow this bread looks so good and that post amused me – snow outside and chocolate bread inside – you sound like you have it all really – that’s what the kids will say – there will probably be no snow by the time they are around because of global warming or something like that and they will live on astronaut food 🙂
Yup, gotta try this one!