garter toss

1. Garter toss. He really looks a little too excited about this, don’t you think?

2. Also, please note the gold-sequined Tom’s that I changed into immediately after the ceremony, courtesy of my brother. After having to stand for AN HOUR in heels, these were much needed.

3. As for the one dollar bills scattered all over the floor, NO we did not have strippers at our wedding. Let’s just say the Greeks really know how to make it rain.

4. Returning to work yesterday was really not so fun. Especially when you realize that NONE of the experiments you did right before you left worked. Sigh.

5. I feel like that’s a sign that I should probably just phone it in until Christmas. Thoughts?

6. Speaking of Christmas, would you guys like to see a gift guide of things I love? Kitchen stuff? Cookbook stuff? Other stuff? Ask and ye shall receive!

7. The.Boy and I finally switched out our summer clothes for our winter clothes on Monday. To say it was depressing would be the understatement of the year. I am really not ready for this.

8. Can I tell you that I got a spiralizer as a wedding gift MONTHS ago (from none other than the SUPER sweet Kalyn of Kalyn’s Kitchen) and I have only just started using it on a regular basis? I think I was a little scared of it at first, but it is really the easiest thing to use. And it makes eating veggies so much more exciting. I mean, why eat butternut cubes when you can have noodles? Exactly.

9. As an aside, I would probably eat paper if it was in noodle form. I just really love noodles that much.

10. Don’t judge me.

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76 Responses to Wednesday Coffee Talk

  1. bellini says:

    Congratulations once again. If only we could all be showered in Greek rain;-)

  2. Beth says:

    A spiralizer sounds like a great idea to get my picky eater (age 17) eating more vegetables. It’s worth a try!
    And if you’re asking, I’m always looking for cookbook ideas.
    Love the photo – so cute!

  3. Such a happy occasion, congratulations to you both. Definitely take the rest of the year off work!
    PS: I love my spiralizer noodles, too

  4. Yeah! Congrats! Um, let’s see. Winter = no. Taking off work = yes. Let’s skip out on work and hang out! XO

  5. I just love that first photo. You guys already look so happy with eachother! and YES I’m so down with skipping winter too. 😉

  6. oh my gawd, LOVE the gold-sequined Tom’s!!! Your brother has great taste, yo! and as for phoning it in at work . . I hate to say it but doesn’t everyone kinda do that in december? 🙂 it’s the holidays!! 🙂 Kalyn is so sweet!! you will love your spiralizer!!! can’t wait to see what recipes you share with us in the new year!

  7. I loved seeing some pics from your wedding! Congratulations again! And by the way, I think getting married post Thanksgiving means you can totally phone it in the rest of the year.

  8. What am I chopped liver?!?! You forgot to mention your faaaavorite spiralized blogger 😉 So excited you got a spiralizer! What will you make first?

  9. Meg says:

    Yay, you’re married — congrats! I’ll admit to stalking your hashtag a bit over the weekend on Instagram . . . you know, just out of rabid excitement for you. 🙂 Looks like it was a fabulous day!

  10. So glad you are enjoying the spiralizer! And I’m enjoying the wedding photos so much.

  11. Zainab says:

    Ahhah he is so happy!!!! Love the gold toms! And yeah phone it in lol. I killed my cells for thanksgiving and not thawing out new ones for just three weeks

  12. Such a cute photo! 😉

  13. Irina says:

    Congratulations!! Looking forward to seeing more photos 🙂

  14. Ahh Congratulations again :* :* Very cute photo! <3 In this part of the world, I'd really love to take in as much winter – iness as I can since it's only around this time that life seems pleasant! 😛 Summers are pathetic here! So, winter is my all time favorite! And hell yeah, all up for skipping work! haha!!! 😀

  15. Congratulations!!!! OMG, I love this photo! You look so amazingly beautiful! Never judge. Only love.

  16. Ha – love everything about this picture – both your expressions and your shoes of course. I’ve been dragging my feet on getting a spiralizer but definitely in a veggie rut and it’s going to be a looooong winter so I think I’ll get one finally 🙂 Would love to see a gift gift of your favorite kitchen stuff/ingredients.

  17. OMG I cannot wait to see more wedding pictures! I’m half Greek, sadly at my wedding we did not do that tradition, never knew about it until I went to a Baptism! You guys look super happy! You going on a honeymoon??

  18. That photo is all sort of amazing. Love it! (But seriously, do you ever take a day off? I don’t know how you do so much!! i think phoning it in until December is definitely called for.)

  19. YAY!!! Congratulations, Joanne! I love those gold Toms so much….great call on your brother’s part!

  20. OMG! Congratulations Joanne !! We are so happy for you! Your photo is so sweet ! And my sister Liz just bought me a spiralizer this past week and we have been using it every day! Can’t wait to see more photos of the wedding. Have a great day! Xo Anna and Liz

  21. Christina says:

    I WANT a spiralizer! Because I could eat noodles every day….. veggies noodles, yes please!

  22. bahahahaa I love that picture!!! Michael and I get so uncomfortable about that part of the garter toss that we’re just going to do the throwing part without the taking off part 😛

  23. Heather says:

    The spiralizer sounds like it would make certain pasta dishes so much easier and would completely trick my toddler into eating more veggies!

    Love the sparkly Toms! I haven’t worn heels in years, and probably never will again. The agony! 😉

  24. Ooooh things you love + kitchen stuff gift guide! Alex keeps asking me what I want for Christmas, and I keep saying “how about just a nice dinner out.” He goes “no.” So I have to come up with something else, but I seriously need ideas.

  25. Emma says:

    Congrats Joanne! You looked beautiful and I am loving those god Toms (what a thoughtful bro!). I asked for a spiralizer for Christmas, so I hope you come up with some good veggie noodle recipes in the near future 🙂 Yes to the gift guide!!

  26. Congrats again Joanne! I want those Toms for when I get married because heels are beautiful but a whole day in them?!?!?! Can’t take it

  27. Back at work already?? Ugh.

    What kind of spiralizer? I have just started experimenting with a small, cheap one with cucumbers and zucchinis. I’m not sure it could handle squash.

  28. Money thrown at the garter toss?? Hola! Frig, what a week it’s been for you girl!! Hope your soaking up all the love!

  29. I wore flip flops at my wedding! Grated, they were white and had jewels on them, but still. My feet felt like a million bucks all day. Congrats again. You’re now a Mrs. !

  30. Tina says:

    Awww…you guys are in LOVE! Wonderful photo. Hey, I finally signed up for Instagram. I may need tutoring 🙂

  31. I love your Wed coffee talks 😉 almost as much as I love those gold Toms! lol
    I went to a Greek wedding and have been to a few Hookah bars, they sure do know know how to make it rain money alright!
    Yup, I’d love to see your fav’s! Bring it!
    And yes. yes. Definitley call it a day until January!

  32. Sues says:

    Ugh back to work after wedding is the worst! But hopefully you’re still riding the high and have lots of fun pictures to look forward to!

    I’ve been pushing off getting a spiralizer because I do NOT need another kitchen gadget/appliance/thing… But I’m SO tempted.

  33. Mira says:

    Congrats on the wedding Joanne! You look beautiful and you guys look so happy together! I love the sequin Toms, I have similar ones, so comfortable! It would be nice to see a christmas gift guide of things you like!

  34. what a cute pic! congrats! 🙂

  35. So happy for your wedding!!! Not so happy that it’s back to work! LOL

  36. Simply Life says:


  37. Oh, I do love those gold Toms – I am way past being able to wear heels so would love these!

  38. You looked GORGEOUS! Congratulations! I am sure that will all of your detailed wedding planning everything was beautiful.

  39. Marci says:

    Congratulations! I love my spiralizer. It’s so fun to use. I always show people when they come over and they don’t get quite as excited as I do about it. Oh well.

  40. Kate says:

    I need a gift guide on what to get my mother, Mother in law, brother, brother inlaw, niece and nephew. I’m hopeless this year!

  41. P says:

    That spiralizer sounds so awesome! And Congrats on the wedding!!!! Looks like nothing less than a grand time 🙂

    I thought I would be more thrilled with the changing seasons, but the novelty only lasted about two days…I miss summer :p

  42. Hotly Spiced says:

    Love the photo! And your husband looks so thrilled. I’ve heard of the tradition of throwing money at the bride and groom – that would have been handy at our wedding! Glad the day went well xx

  43. Emma says:

    Congratulations Joanne! That photo is brilliant – and the gold Tom’s were such a great idea!
    Did you do the Greek chair “dance”?! That always looks fun!

  44. Sarah says:

    Congrats again!! Those gold glitter Tomas are so cute – much needed after standing in heels! Your wedding sounds like it was really fun (all those flying dollar bills!). We would love to see a video sometime!

    Also holiday gift guide PLEASE! 🙂 I would love to see what your picks are!

  45. Eileen says:

    YAY!! I for one am eagerly looking forward to more pics. 🙂 And yes to the noodles, because NOODLES. (I may have just finished a huge plate of bucatini…)

  46. What a great photo of you two! Congrats!!!! + Would love to see your gift guide…xo

  47. Congratulations! You were a gorgeous bride!

  48. Can’t wait for more wedding pictures!!!! Also–I need to get a spiralizer, if only to delude myself into eating more veggie noodles instead of the regular kind (I prefer carbs) before the big day.

  49. Congratulations again my sweet friend! You both looked gorgeous and happy – and I’m totally loving those Toms!

  50. danielle says:

    Yay! Congratulations – so happy for you guys.

  51. Christine says:

    What a wonderful photo! Genius, your brother and the Tom’s! Congratulations again!

  52. You look SO beautiful and SO happy – congratulations one million times over!!! xoxo

  53. Did you go with those pretty wedding shoes you posted a while back? They were purrty 🙂 I went to a Greek wedding once and the whole money dance was awesome!

  54. Monica says:

    I would love to see your holiday gift picks, please! And great pic – congrats again! I guess there’s no break for you whatsoever – you’re amazing!

  55. Clever you to change into comfortable shoes. I did the same thing!

  56. Juliana says:

    Congratulations Joanne! Beautiful and cute picture 🙂

  57. Lynna says:

    AHHH THAT IS SO CRAZY!! Congrats! You both look so wonderfully happy! ?

    Also, noodles are the bombbb.

  58. Congratulations again. Greek weddings are so much fun – they certainly know how to party!!

  59. Kelly says:

    Aaaw love that photo and your gold shoes! Congrats again 🙂 Yay for a spiralizer!

  60. debbie says:

    Congrats again to both of you! Such a happy picture!

  61. Kristin says:

    Ha! I’m diggin the shoes. I tried to do that at my wedding, throw on a pair of sneakers. Not fancy ones, just my every day running sneakers. Yeah… they never wound up making it into my travel bag before we left for the ceremony. Ha! This picture is adorable though. You two look so flippin happy. Congratulations!

  62. Love this snippet from the wedding! Also, those dollar bills–why can’t more weddings be like that?

  63. I love the photo too 🙂 And I’m so glad you’re enjoying your spiralizer! I go through phases with mine, but love it even when I haven’t used it for a little while. I’d love to see your gift guide / wants too!

  64. Love the toms! And yes to the gift guide please!

  65. Joyti says:

    Woo-hoo, a PHOTO. How lovely, and how nice it was of your brother to bust out those Toms! You look great.

  66. Congratulations! I am so happy for you. I love the picture. You both look so happy.

  67. Marlies says:

    Yes to spiralizers, toms in gold (!!!), and your gorgeous bride-y self! Boo to experiments that don’t work (welcome to my life). Totes agree that you should just shut down til Christmas…I mean, what can you really do in two weeks anyway? 🙂

  68. Teffy says:

    Congratulaaatioooons!! Sounds like a super fun wedding (bills and flats, what’s not to love?!)
    I’d love to see a Christmas shopping list of kitchen gadgets! I have an obsession for cool kitchen stuff!!

    {Teffy’s Perks} X

  69. Lori R. says:

    I’m just now catching up on posts! Congratulations! I thought of you last weekend (and all the apple butter). Love the shoe choice with the Toms. And yes to the gift guide. Enjoy your start to married life! 🙂

  70. sandra says:

    I have a sprializer in my amazon saved list. I have been waiting for the proper moment… the tipping point when enough people have recommended it… this may be the moment. Sorry about your experiments.

  71. Johanna GGG says:

    slippers that are sparkly and comfy is brilliant – and hope you had someone to collect the money (they used one of my bag’s at my brothers Macedonian wedding and I really wanted the bag returned with the money in it!!!!) plus a spiraliser sounds v exciting

  72. Isadora says:

    Congratulations, Joanne!!!!! I’m so happy for you guys and you look so beautiful!! How exciting! Aren’t spiralizes the best invention ever?!!! Everything noodle, all the time!

  73. elly says:

    Congrats again, Joanne! You looked absolutely beautiful. I am very familiar with the money on the dance floor – I hope this means you had a bunch of old men doing the tsamiko dance, too. 😉

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