
In the eternal debate over whether or not raw cookie dough is, in fact, safe to eat, I fall safely on the “yum!  raw eggs!” side of the fence.

I just feel that one of the perks of baking is being able to lick the bowl.  Or, you know.  Scoop batter out of the bowl and into your mouth.  For taste testing poison control purposes.

And because it tastes good.  Most of the time. And if it doesn’t taste good…I would highly recommend that you trash the whole thing and start again.  Because when the batter doesn’t taste good…there is nothing right going on in there.  I promise.


My mother and I are always arguing about this little indiscretion of mine.  Not that we’re really ever in the same room when I bake, but occasionally she calls and asks what I’m doing and a fair portion of the time I find myself to be eating raw batter.

Then she yells and screams and hems and haws about Salmonella and how she’s going to have to pray for me every day for the next week (okay, she doesn’t say this since she only seems to remember that she’s Catholic on Ash Wednesday but…you get the idea) and that I should take my temperature every hour for the next 7-14 days and run to the hospital as soon as it reaches 101, which she is sure that it is going to do.

And while we’re at it, she usually throws in a word of advice or two on how long I really should cook pork for so that it’s absolutely safe to eat. Shoe leather consistency is the consensus in the Bruno household.  Oy.


Lucky for my mother and for anyone else who is hypochondriacal enough to feel a bit squeamish about this raw egg business, there’s a new cookie dough in town.  One whose sole purpose in life is to be eaten.  From the bowl.  Without ever seeing the inside of an oven.

Bestill my heart.

Picnik collage

A cookie dough that you then roll into a gazillion little balls and dip into chocolate.

So that now instead of Salmonella poisoning, you just have to worry about going into cardiac arrest while eating them.  Because (a) they are so good that you will not be able to stop picking them up and popping them into your mouth. And after the first 3 dozen or so, your arteries might start to rebel.

And (b) they are so good that your brain might not be to handle the fact that your dopamine reward center has now been activated to its maximum capacity.

My doctor-ly advice?  Bring them to a party or some other gathering of people so that they’ll be gone before you have time to eat yourself into an oblivion. And don’t taste them before you go.  Otherwise you run the risk of hiding them in your fridge and stopping to have one whenever you happen to meander into your kitchen.  And trust me, when the alternative is studying for your kidney exam…you’ll find a lot of reasons to meander into the kitchen.


Cookie Dough Truffles
Makes 4-5 dozen, adapted from Annie’s Eats

8 tbsp unsalted butter, at room temperature
3/4 cup light brown sugar, packed
2 1/4 cup AP flour
1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup mini semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 1/2 lb semisweet (or bittersweet) chocolate
1/2 cup white chocolate chips

1. Combine the butter and sugar in a mixing bowl and cream until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes on high speed.  Add in the flour, sweetened condensed milk, and vanilla.  Incorporate until smooth.  Stir in the chocolate chips.  Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm enough to form balls, about 30 minutes.

2. Shape the chilled cookie dough mixture into 1-1 1/2 inch balls.  Try not to eat too many in the process.  Inevitably fail at not eating too many in the process.  Place whatever you do not eat right now on the spot onto a baking sheet lined with wax paper.  Cover loosely, transfer the pan to the freezer and chill for 1-2 hours.

3. When ready to dip the truffles, melt the semisweet chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pot of simmering water.  Dip each chilled truffle, one at a time, in the chocolate to coat it.  Shake to remove the excess chocolate.  Transfer to a wax paper-lined surface.  Melt the white chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pot of simmering water.  Drizzle over the top of the truffles.  Store truffles in the fridge until ready to serve.


You are reading this post on Eats Well With Others at Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to the author and or owner of Eats Well With Others. All rights reserved by Joanne Bruno.
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124 Responses to Cookie Dough Truffles

  1. girlichef says:

    Oh my gosh, you’re so right. It would be essential that I have somewhere to bring this if I made them… I would definitely have a problem stopping after just 10. 😉 YUM!

  2. I’m the same- bring on the raw egg if it means cookie dough!!!!!! 😉 I made these and never posted em! Looks great.

  3. Paula says:

    oh my god. that looks delcious!

  4. Simply Life says:

    oh these are my FAVORITE! We ate way too many of these in december! 🙂

  5. OMG, you are a life-saver: I am on the “yuck: raw eggs full of salmonella” side, so these little balls of goodness are perfect!! I wish I could rush out of the office and start preparing them!!

  6. Nelly says:

    Oh. Oh dear gods. Yes, “gods” plural. I mean all of them.

    Ok, I’m doing Whole30 right now but these are probably gonna get made approximately 8am on February 1.

    As for the “raw egg” thing…I’ve actually been known, when the recipe calls for egg white only, to use up the yolk by making impromptu eggnog – whisk it into some whole milk, spice it, nuke it for about 30 seconds on low (if at all), spike it and chug. Awesome.

  7. LOVE this idea! I just made Oreo truffles and my whole family adored them! I have got to try this 🙂

  8. I am a closet cookie dough eater so this recipe would bring my addition out in the open.

  9. I am in full support of anything cookie dough, raw eggs or not.

  10. janet says:

    These look so scrumptious.. since I definitely love raw cookie dough. 🙂 Good idea on sharing them with friends, because I don’t think you could stay away from them very long if they were in my kitchen!

  11. Miriam says:

    Ooo, these look so beautiful!! Have a great weekend :). Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  12. I would totally eat these WITH raw cookie dough! Cookie dough is my husbands favorite. I KNOW he would love them.

  13. can i just say your previous post was hilarious? anywho, there’s nothing wrong with licking the bowl clean while baking, except that i never seem to desire the finished product after much licking. we could turn this into a non-baking-related analogy, but i’ll leave it at that. happy weekend, blogfriend.

  14. They are so pretty!
    I am pro raw eggs too. Hello, Caesar salad anyone? Mayo? Loves me the raw eggs. 😉

  15. sweetlife says:

    perfect or anyday, today and all weekend!! love it!! little balls of goodness..yummy


  16. I’m all over these truffles! I am a little wary of uncooked eggs. Let me just say that I think dirt and germs are good for one’s immune system. I don’t try to bring down a fever unless it’s above 102. My children never had an antibiotic because we insisted on lab work to prove they needed one, etc., etc. But, when my husband made a cake from an old, old recipe that included uncooked meringue icing, I didn’t eat it. Partly because I thought one of us should remain healthy to see to the needs of the other. I also asked him to complete a few chores that needed his attention before he ate said cake. He didn’t. He also ate the whole cake last week (not in one sitting) and was just fine. Hmm, where was I going with this?


  17. Lyndsey says:

    You are too funny, and how did you find the time to make all those little balls and dip them? I was never a big fan of cookie dough (must be a texture thing, don’t like custard or puding either, don’t shoot me!) so the raw egg thing didn’t bother me. But I can’t resist truffles and my daughter would love these, and you are so clever here just leave the egg out! We would have to fine a Chinese New year’s party to bring them to, so we wouldn’t eat them all ourselves.

  18. Megan says:

    Happy it is Friday because I am definitely making these amazing little guys when I get home. I’m thinking these paired with a nice wine = TGIF

  19. Mo Diva says:

    i eat raw cookie dough and cake batter All. The. Time.
    but i use fresh eggs… and i wont worry about salmonella till im 80.
    The truffles look amazing! and delicious!

  20. Shawnda says:

    I’m all about raw dough and batter, eggs or no eggs! The truffles look lovely – and there’s no way I could be left alone with those. Not even for 5 minutes.

  21. Lizzy says:

    Wow, those look A-MAZING!!! I want to try those, but not in January (still trying to be good with the sweets : )

  22. Faith says:

    I’m a cookie dough/batter lover from way back too! I just recently started a new series on my blog to share a few of my favorite raw desserts, and cookie dough is next on my list! (It’s my absolute favorite. 😉 ) Yours looks fantastic and I loved reading your recipe, which is so different from mine…I’ll definitely give yours a try some time!

  23. Eden says:

    dude, I had salmonella at age four! not fun! I will never eat bananas or drink gatorade again!

    But these truffles are making me drool on the keyboard.

  24. Amy says:

    Be still my heart, indeed. I think anything made in bite size form is evil. These would never make it to the party…

  25. aipi says:

    Those pictures are killing me. Love chocolate in any way, shape or form and this recipe sounds so original n FABULOUS..can’t wait to try it !!

    Have a great weekend Joanne !

    US Masala

  26. Mo 'Betta says:

    My 1st thought was “oh no she ditn’t” (said with head swirl action). My 2nd thought “I so want these”. *Sigh*

  27. That Girl says:

    As Joanne’s lawyer I would like too remind all you readers that nothing that has been written should be taken as medical advice. Should you develop cookie-doughitis, Joanne assumes no liability.
    🙂 meanwhile, I’m one of those oddballs that was never attracted to cookie dough. I like the fully baked version better. I think its a texture thing.

  28. Holy! To.Die.For!! I say as long as you are eating fresh eggs from a farm (not a supermarket) lick the spoon, the spatula and the bowl!!

  29. its so beautiful, very tempting truffles….

  30. Claudie says:

    I will join in the “OMG” sequence.
    OMG! The inside of those truffles looks so delicious!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely amazing. (Not that the “outside” looks any worse, but, you know what I mean).
    “So that now instead of Salmonella poisoning, you just have to worry about going into cardiac arrest while eating them.” –> I bet! 🙂 I stay away from sweets right now since I have a knee tendinitis and can’t do my regular exercises, but as soon as I can… you can be sure I’ll try this recipe immediately.

  31. I’d have no problem shoveling in all manner of raw stuff. I think the risk is tiny, and I’ve never gotten sick from a single raw egg. Condensed milk is a great idea for the squeamish.

    I hate to let the cat out of the bag, but when I worked in the restaurant biz, every once in a while we made desserts that had raw egg, and served them, and no one ever got sick. The risk is much more remote than people think. Sorry peeps!

  32. You are keeeling me! Those looks so, so good!

    The whole raw cookie dough thing cracks me up. My mom certainly didn’t buy organic, free range, or pasteured eggs when I was growing up, but I ate buckets and buckets of cookie dough, never once getting sick. All of my friends ate cookie dough, and not a problem. I think the situation is a little over-hyped.

  33. Oh my . . . *gasping* These are a dream come true. And I also completely disregard the warning of “salmonella” coming from my loving husband as I devour the cookie dough. I can’t help it!

  34. OMG, that post made me a really happy woman today! Want, want, want!


    Camila F.

  35. Rachel says:

    I picture these a little rewards for every right answer you get on an exam. Reward yourself and your friends and consider not telling your mom about the lack of raw egg : )

  36. bandofphotos says:

    Og God! I want this so much! HAHAHAHAH delicious!

  37. Joanne… you’re killing me.. this is FOOD PORN!haha but seriously I want some right now! Im on staycation day 5 and im supposed to get what I want do what I want.. now I see your post, and I want these choc truffles so badly!now how do you solve that haha!

  38. SassyAgapi says:

    i have to make these!! thanks for the recipe!! 🙂

  39. Shanon says:

    I have the recipe for these babies saved too, but haven’t had a chance to try them. They are basically genius. I have to admit that when I bake, I never eat the batter. And everyone I know thinks I am crazy for this. I always hand off the spatulas or bowls or whatever else to someone near by who wants to lick away. It must be because that is what my mom always did. Or I just don’t have that screamin’ desire?!? Anyways, I can’t wait to try these.

  40. um, these have rendered me speechless. i am such a truffle addict and cookie dough is like my kryptonite. putting them together…GAH!

    xo Alison

  41. Joanne says:

    Amazing! Those look so good and the cookie dough recipe? Who would have guessed? – I love it.

  42. teresa says:

    no amount of raw eggs could keep me from those truffles, they look and sound AMAZING!

  43. Megan says:

    I’m totally ok with eating raw cookie dough too! I seriously need to make these… they look incredible. Just nice blobs of cookie dough and chocolate coating… yum!

  44. Monet says:

    Oh perfect! Take out the eggs, and you are good to go! But like you, I always eat or lick my batter. You have to make sure you are on the right track! Thank you for sharing such a great recipe. I hope your weekend overflows with good food, good friends, and love!

  45. Sippity Sup says:

    This is certainly creative, and I have no issues with raw cookie. Or raw eggs for that matter. In fact I have no food issues at all. But I will take you doctorly advice and not hoard them in my fridge. Besides I always wanted to be the most popular person at the party! GREG

  46. Pam says:

    I don’t worry about eating raw cookie dough but I do worry about my kids eating it. This recipe is perfect… they can have their tasty cookie dough in a beautiful truffle form and I don’t have to worry about them getting sick.

  47. I was jus gng to say , ok go rite ahead and make cookie dough w/o the eggs:-)
    Though i dont like the idea of raw egg ,and its not coz of salmonella, i always find myself eating batter , coz i need to check it on , not that i am gng to add more sugar or flour even if i think i need to ,lol!
    The truffles , well , if i bump into u on the way to the party or wherever u are carrying a box of these truffles to , well they will never reach there!
    I wanna reach out and grab a few ,if not all , right away!

  48. You are hilarious today!
    Gorgeous truffles! I would have to bake the cookie dough, though. I love cookies WAY more than the dough. I do love truffles though. Lately, around here… everyone is mashing up baked cake with icing and dipping that on chocolate with a stick. Of course it is good. But, two would put someone in a coma. These are so prefect for the dough eating maven!

  49. Tasha says:

    I’m incapable of not tasting the batter/dough, even if I “know better.” It just happens. But I do agree that it doesn’t taste good, your baked goods won’t!

    I will definitely have to give these a try whenever I have somewhere else to take them!

  50. Ada says:

    You were right, I just went into cardiac arrest thinking about these truffles. Holy moly, I could probably eat one thousand of them, they look SO insanely good!

  51. Kristen says:

    You are going to single handedly sabotage everyone’s January diet plans young lady! Where’s the lentils when we need them?? Those are amazing looking candies.

  52. I’m a raw cookie dough eater too! These look really good.

  53. Victoria says:

    Please save a few of these truffles for when I see you (hopefully) next week 🙂 Deal? These looks pretty damn awesome, and if anything could be better than cookie dough, it’s cookie dough covered in chocolate… holy moly 😉

  54. Think about it– if you marry a nice Jewish boy, you won’t have to deal with Catholic guilt the rest of your life, ha! These look amazing– eggs or no eggs- and I’m in agreement that if the batter sucks, the end result probably will, too!

  55. What a wicked looking truffle Joanne. Looks toe-curling good. And I agree with you that they will tempt anyone into hiding a batch for gorging.

  56. I once (okay, twice) made cookie dough cupcakes with the same type of non-egg, fully edible dough in the middle. I was lucky there was enough dough to fill all the cupcakes. That stuff was DANGEROUS. I’m afraid I will never be able to make these, as my little heart wouldn’t be able to handle the whole batch that I would inevitably eat.

  57. This is crazy yum looking truffle.I love cookie dough ice cream.I would love to gorge on them!

  58. La Liz says:

    So . . . your previous post about male genitourinary exams is followed by recipe for these amazing truffles made from little balls of dough. One doesn’t have to be Dr. Freud to appreciate the subliminal progression. I’ll make these gems for the guys at the Super Bowl party. Thanks! 🙂

  59. Stella says:

    Hey Joanne! These look fabulous. I could so use something like this right now, and I might actually make them. Yes! Oh, and I’m not afraid of raw eggs if they are organic or from a small careful farm, though I do understand your mother’s worry for you;-)
    p.s. Thanks for your sweet comment on my post. I actually thought of you when I was writing it, b/c it almost sounded like your writing. I guess a certain style and tone is taken when one writes candidly about personal issues, which you do a good job of doing. I hope I did… (smile)?!

  60. Meesh says:

    i literally just gasped when the page loaded. these look UNBELIEVABLE!!!

    i am also on the raw egg side of the fence!

  61. Karen says:

    I’m going to send this to my daughter, who I’m sure will make the dough and then just eat it out of the bowl. Why mess with truffles? 🙂

  62. Very relieved to read this post. Today I made ANZAC cookies ( and froze part of the dough. By the end of the day the dough disappeared. Even frozen dough tastes so delicious. Is there anything wrong with eating raw flour?

  63. Mary says:

    They sound delicious, Joanne. They look beautiful.
    What a way to go :-). I hope you have a great weekend. Blessings…Mary

  64. Yum, these cookie dough truffles look absolutely scrumptious, my daughter would so love them!

  65. Elizabeth says:

    Oh… um… gee…

    *runs to grocery store to buy ingredients*

  66. Swathi says:

    That cookie dough truffles looks awesome. I too afraid of raw egg. Have a great weekend Joanne.

  67. Only a runner would be talking about truffles after the holidays! These look amazing but dangerous. All my favorite food groups.

  68. Claire says:

    Okay…I bookmarked this recipe several weeks ago to try but I haven’t had anything to make it for and I am NOT making it unless I have somewhere to take it b/c I would totally eat more than I should! This looks so good…and I totally eat cookie dough eggs or no eggs. 🙂

  69. Sana says:

    I will never eat raw egg. Blah. But I will make these truffles. Holy yum!

  70. Corina says:

    These look great. Next time I want to impress someone…

  71. Sanjeeta kk says:

    What a lovely dessert! Like the presentation and the drizzle on the Truffles.

  72. Johanna GGG says:

    thanks for your good advice on these truffles but I saw condensed milk and have bookmarked them – they look amazing and I can’t wait to taste them

  73. Debbie says:

    Please send me a box of these asap!!! Wow…they look delicious! I was cracking up when you said that shoe leather consistency is how long your family cooks pork! Too funny!!!

  74. Lea Ann says:

    I’ve always been a raw batter eater. On my 6th birthday, I begged my mom not to bake the cake and serve us all the batter. She did, can you imagine those poor kids at my party not getting cake??? 🙂

  75. these look great I lick the batter from cakes as well 🙂

    pleased the twitter tips helped look forward to seeing you in a chat 🙂


  76. Peggy says:

    Okay, these are gonna be on my mind all day now! I’m definitely a batter eater, myself, and this is just the perfect little treat! Might have to make them in small batches to convince myself that I’m eating them in moderation though, hehe

  77. Julie says:

    OMG! Seriously amazing! I am a raw dough and batter eater all the way. I haven’t died yet :(. This is not not fair, I am trying to diet! How can a food blogger diet, crazy? Okay off to the treadmill to think about these cookie dough balls.

  78. Reeni says:

    My Mom does the same thing! But half the fun of baking is eating the raw dough! These are insanely and completely delicious looking.

  79. Dana says:

    You might want to end our budding friendship right here and now when I tell you that I don’t like, nor have I ever liked, raw cookie dough. If it makes you feel any better, I am THE ONLY PERSON I know who doesn’t. I am totally going to make these as the treat of the week when Randy comes back from his next trip!

  80. I am also on the Yay, raw eggs! side of the fence. I found myself licking meringue batter off my fingers, spoons, bowls, last night!

  81. Carolyn says:

    Raw, schmaw! Love to eat any sort of batter (brownie, cake, cookie) out of the bowl. Done it all my life and never once got sick. I know salmonella exists, I just think the chances are very slim (and it’s a chance I am willing to take!).
    But yes, when making truffles, especially to serve to others, it’s best to not include raw eggs. These LOOK AWESOME!

  82. Kelsey says:

    COOKIE DOUGH COVERED IN CHOCOLATE this looks like some delicacy you’d only find in upscale new york sweet shops and confectioneries. the quality is outstanding..and the added touch of seeing the chocolate chips inside the cookie dough as u bite in is pretty much perfection. seriously. <3 <3

  83. Katy says:

    Love. batter. In all forms. And I’ve *at least* eaten my weight in cookie dough and batter in my life (heck, in the last year), and nothing has ever happened. Not even a tummy ache. And if I did get a tummy ache it was from eating way too much.

    I read another cooking blog recently where the girl actually tested her cookies for doneness with a thermometer to make sure they were the safe temperature to safely bake away the potential hazards. Absolutely crazy!

  84. Joanne, these truffles look incredibly pleasing and delicious. And that’s great that there ain’t egg in the recipe as dioxin has been found in the eggs here these days….who knows what’s next…

  85. cathy says:

    I am totally squeamish about raw eggs, but who can resist raw cookie dough? Love that this has NO eggs! A raw cookie dough for the squeamish folk.

  86. Dimah says:

    These look absolutely adorable!

  87. Sinfully delicious. Two favourites, married for the perfect outcome. Genius.

  88. Oh. My. God.
    [truly speechless.]

  89. Moms are great like that, aren’t they? My mom is a close relative of your mom when it comes to warnings, prayers and such. Gotta love the concern. I’m going to make these for my co-workers, and that they way they will never even consider the possibility of doing the show without me.

  90. Kerstin says:

    I’m all about edible cookie dough, if you don’t want to add all the calories of condensed milk, you can just sub 1/4 milk for each egg you would regularly add – works like a charm every time!

  91. Kerstin says:

    Sorry, sub 1/4 cup milk for each egg, I was typing too quick!

  92. Oh!! This is a winner! Cookie dough truffles!! How creative!

  93. ann says:

    These look so fantastic. I wish I had some right now!

  94. Shannon says:

    yup, fabulous. i never ate raw cookie dough until i went to college… now i like to think i’m making up for lost time 🙂

  95. TOTALLY yum, raw eggs! and YUM for cookie dough!!!

  96. Esi says:

    These sound so good and decadent

  97. Maria says:

    Oh my, Joanne, I had to close my eyes it looked too good!

  98. This recipe is evil!!! Pure delicious evil!!! This is something that wouldn’t last very long in our house.

  99. these truffles are too much! I am sure if i made them my kids would hoard them.

  100. Katerina says:

    You must be reading my mind. Before knowing all the dangers of salmonela I was happily enjoying eating the dough without any hesitations. After learning about salmonela I don’t even touch the thing and I was trying to find a recipe that will be safe to eat the dough again. These truffles are ideal for this job.

  101. OK, these do not look like they should be on my eat healthier plan. 😉 But they sure look good!

  102. Beth says:

    “Yum! Raw Eggs!” I don’t think anyone has ever so concisely summed up my love of baking.
    And these truffles look delicious. I’m not usually a truffles fan, but I will make an exception for these!

  103. Julie says:

    gahhh i have all of these ingredients! WHY don’t i have somewhere to go with them! these are ridiculously amazing

    haha i have the same arg with deej about raw cookie dough but i’m pretty sure i’ve seen her lick one or two thousand brownie spoons in my time

  104. OK you should put a warning lable on this post! I click here to find a GIANT DELICIOUS MOUTH WATERING COOKIE DOUGH truffle (drenched in chocolate no less) in my face! It’s not right. 🙂

  105. Sanem says:

    These look wonderful and dangerously delicious.

  106. Maris says:

    These look INCREDIBLE. I kind of want to make them now. And then I will stand in front of the mirror and watch my butt get bigger 😉

  107. I am having hunger pangs looking at these Joanne! They look stunning!

  108. Ahh I’m so glad you made these. I’ve been wanting to try them out too. Not that I feel guilty when eating cookie dough with raw eggs but it does sound extra enticing when the raw eggs aren’t present! YUM!

  109. Raina says:

    Oh man do those look good! Though I do love raw cookie dough, I have to admit I won’t eat it because of the eggs. That is why I was so happy…no elated..that there are no raw eggs in these. As I was reading, I was thinking, “these look so darn good, please let them have no raw eggs” My family will go nuts for them. Thanks:)

  110. OH my god these look so delicious and professional! The inside looks like heaven.

    We don’t really have a problem with raw eggs/salmonella in Australia. Well we do. But I read that it isn’t as bad as in the USA. I think I’d just have to pretend the eggs weren’t in there. After all, I’ve ate royal icing made on raw egg whites before.

  111. Chris says:

    Oh…nice….here I am writing my Eat Live post…and these. I literally felt the lbs. . ha! Kidding. Love these and they are so on my list of to makes..:)

  112. grace says:

    i shall continue to eat raw cookie dough until i get sick. if and when that happens, i suspect i’ll steer clear of it for awhile…a couple days, at the very least. 🙂

  113. Oh sweet Jesus, and Holy Mary, mother of God (just having my annual Catholic moment), I have never had a problem eating raw cookie dough, but these are striking absolute terror into my heart as I’m pretty sure if I made a batch of these not a single one of them would leave my house.
    Sue 🙂

  114. this looks amazingly delicious!

    bises from France

  115. Nicole, RD says:

    I’m on the “mmmm raw eggs!” side of the fence, too! Haha! They look soooo good, Joanne!!

    I hope your 1/2 mary went well!! I was thinking about you!

  116. Well I am not afraid of raw eggs as long as they are very fresh, but these I am a bit afraid of…
    The kind of fear when you know you could eat an entire batch 😉

  117. Cara says:

    I’m with you. These babies are more dangerous than the real thing! I’m still sad that I never got around to making them this season.

  118. Is it bad that I also fall into the “yum raw eggs!” team even though my future profession will probably involve being the one to GIVE those same lectures your mom likes? Oye… In the meantime, would somebody please toss a few dozen of these babies straight into my mouth? Mmmthanksvurrymuch!

  119. Daryl says:

    I am going to make these this weekend, if I can hold out that long. Wow! They look amazing!

  120. Marisa says:

    Oh my goodness, I love you! But I’m afraid of making these. You know, for my hips’ sake.

  121. What the hell?! You put ALL blogs to shame.
    I N C R E D I B L E.
    and yum.

  122. Deborah says:

    I am totally on the lick the batter eat the dough side. And in my 30-something years of life, I’ve never gotten sick from it. (Knock on wood!!) But being pregnant, I’m a little more cautious, and these would be totally safe – and delicious!!

  123. Eliana says:

    I’m sorry but baking is all about liking the bowl! End of story! haha I like your egg substitute here though. Condensed milk is a favorite of mine. I normally like the can clean with I bake with it.

  124. I made these last night and as I write this they are being gobbled up by my co-workers. I’m hearing the following in the air: “decadent!” “rich!” and “a little like crack!”

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