What do you do when you end up in an alternate universe in which you need to bake something but there is absolutely not a single tbsp of butter in your fridge? Make peanut no-butter chocolate chip cookies, of course! Check out the recipe over at Marcus Samuelsson’s site.
Also, I wanted to let everyone know about the release of a new recipe website called Gojee, which will feature tasty dishes by some of the blogosphere’s most talented food writers (yours truly included). Please go check it out!
You are reading this post on Eats Well With Others at https://joanne-eatswellwithothers.com. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to the author and or owner of Eats Well With Others. All rights reserved by Joanne Bruno.
Clever and delicious! Personally when I don’t have butter I use tahini; simple! 🙂
Great idea…
Peanut butter’s definitely my go-to on everything! I’d rather have toast nearly any day of the week with PB as opposed to butter…well, unless it’s some kind of olive or rosemary bread. These look great!
Love PB and chocolate, perfect cookie!
Is it even possible to run out of butter?! Regardless, these cookies look delicious. Nice and fluffy and chewy.
Without butter, is it possible to call these healthy? 🙂 Checked out the new site…I love it!
Looks perfect even without butter! Thanks for sharing dear….
wow! congrats on being featured in so many wonderful sites!
Ours is a no butter recipe too. Cooks up wonderfully. As for no butter recipes I was surprised to find a brown sugar bar recipe this weekend with no butter also. They were really good and almost tasted like they had butter!
Delicious looking! And thanks for the heads up on Gojee.
mmmm…peanut butter.
Only you can pull that off Joanne! Gojee sounds amazing. The team of writers is unbelievable!
Camila Faria
wow, that sounds promising, no butter and it looks so tempting and delicious.
No way! I love the peanuts + chocolate combo. Perfect.
Love the recipe title. Heading over to check out the recipe right now!
cool do you still post here?
I keep trying to reach into my computer screen to try and pick up that cookie! Looks delicious:) Will definitely check out the new site – Cheers!
Ok, so first you post a recipe for tear-inducingly good plantain burgers and now this??? How can you agonize my soul so! I wish I had your culinary talents so that I could whip up all these amazing recipes. Peanut Butter and chocolate are just a match made in heaven. Hope you get to have a fun July 4th weekend:) P.S- We seriously need to head to Jackson Heights asap.
Love the fact that there is no butter in these and they look so good.
No butter?Wow that sounds so much fun..coz I m not a big peanut butter fan so these are calling my name..perfect night time snack!
Wow, I have to try making these. I didn’t think it was possible to skip the butter, but yeah, they look amazing. And the glass of milk looks great too!
whyyyyy do you make me click over for the recipe! haha going there now because the cookie sitting on that glass is making me DA-ROOL
Wow, I can’t believe those are no-bake, that sounds too good to be true! The less heat I need to add to my sweltering kitchen, the better.
I have been craving chocolate chip cookies for such a long time – I may have to submit soon. No butter is a bonus!
Scrumptious looking cookie! I’m not sure whether or not to check the recipe, as I don’t think I could resist the temptation of running into the kitchen and start baking them straight away!
What? No story with this post? I LOVE your stories!!! lol…I’ll check out the site you mentioned…..
Yes, please!! There is nothing better than peanut butter and chocolate. I love the Gojee site and your photo on there is adorable. Thanks for sharing it. I’ve signed up!
I don’t even bake when I have butter!
Great chocolate chip cookies! I love it! Off to check the site you recommend.
I love peanut butter and I love butter so I’m happy either way. These look fantastic.
Off to check out Gojee!
I’d almost WANT to run out of butter for an excuse to make these cookies. Yum!
These cookies look really amazing Joanne! gloria
No butter is always good ~ looks so tasty, I know I won’t be able to stop eating these! 😉
US Masala
Heading over to look at the recipe now- these sound great! 🙂
I was hooked on flour-less peanut butter cookies for 2 weeks a while back. These look so great, they’re kinda cranking the peanut butter cookie craving engine again!
I had no idea you could do this. Such a great tip 🙂 thank you!!
I’m heading over to check it out – and yay for Gojee!!
I have a friend who blogged about peanut butter no butter cookies and I was equally astounded then!
Love PB cookies. Thank goodness these are not on my desk top right now. They would not last long.
We are in our final week of Get Grillin’ – Dessert is the theme and we would love if you submitted up to any 3 recipes (they don’t have to be grilled) to our link up. This one would be perfect! This week we have a Rouxbe Cooking School giveaway. http://su.pr/2YaIiV