A sweet and creamy Indian-spiced version of a summer classic.

creamed corn with garam masala

Some girls cry while watching Sleepless in Seattle.

Or during the entire eleventh episode of Orange Is the New Black (all hell is about to break loose. I can feel it.).

Or while biting into that first perfect ear of summer corn.


I’m the latter.

(And occasionally the second to latter.)

But really, can you blame me?


I don’t know how corn tastes where you’re from, but local NYC corn is da. bomb.

It’s sweet enough to be dessert all on it’s own and so juicy that I would happily swim in it’s milk.

But instead I creamed it. Without cream. And with a good honest sprinkling of garam masala to spice up that sweetness. It was heavenly.



You can feel free to eat it all by it’s lonesome, spoonful after lovely spoonful or…you could turn it into a dip!

I recently received some of Green Giant’s new garden ranch-flavored roasted veggie tortilla chips and their barbecue-flavored multigrain sweet potato chips to munch on. In a twist of fate, I also happened to have some creamed corn left over that needed a way into my belly and these chips seemed like the perfect vessels!

These chips are BIG on flavor. It kind of reaches out and grabs you (in a good way). I could definitely see eating them alongside burgers and sandwiches or to scoop up any number of dips and condiments.  If you’re in the market for new chips to grace your summer party table, these are an awesome option!


Creamed Corn with Garam Masala
A sweet and creamy Indian-spiced version of a summer classic.
Yield: 6-8 servings
  • 10 large ears of corn, husked
  • 4 tbsp butter, divided
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
  • 1½ tbsp garam masala
  1. Cut the corn off the cob in to a large bowl. Combine half of the corn kernels with ½ cup water in the bowl of a food processor. Pulse until pureed.
  2. Melt 2 tbsp butter in a large skillet over low heat. Add in the onion, garlic and salt. Cover and cook, stirring often, until onion is soft and translucent, about 10 minutes. Add in the pureed and whole corn, until corn is tender, about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Stir in the remaining 2 tbsp butter and the garam masala. Season to taste with salt and black pepper.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: ⅙th of recipe

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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60 Responses to Creamed Corn with Garam Masala

  1. Beth says:

    You are probably the only person in the world who could persuade me to consider making creamed corn. I have bad memories of the tinned kind – but your version looks so nice and light!

  2. This looks fabulous! I love creamed corn (even the sketchy kind from a can) and the addition of garam masala sounds amazing.

  3. ramblingtart says:

    What a marvelous spice to add to creamed corn! Swoon, swoon. 🙂

  4. Tahnycooks says:

    I totally agree, there are not a lot of veggies better then summer time sweet corn! I have to get me me of those chips!! Great recipes!

  5. I clearly need to get Netflix so I can watch Orange is the New Black, and then I need to make this because it sounds delicious.

  6. What a great spice to add to cream corn!! Looks great. And I need to watch this netflix show…if I cried watching sleepless in seatle (ahem still do), I’m sure this show will be a new favorite.

  7. Oh man, local corn here is out of this world too. SO GOOD! Loving this recipe friend!

  8. Love fresh corn in the summer! We are lucky enough to get some awesome corn with our CSA. This dish looks like a perfect way to enjoy it!

  9. I miss Ontario summer tomatoes and corn. I think there’s corn here, but I just need to find it. 😉

  10. Oh man, I just watched episode 11 of Orange is the New Black last night. Tonight will be 12. It is one of the best shows I’ve seen in ages, but it’s getting really gut-wrenching to watch!

  11. debbie says:

    Really good summer recipe since corn is everywhere these days. This is a unique recipe (to me anyhow) so I will have to once again, pin, and try! Joanne, I really love your blog. You always post food that is so different yet nutritious and delicious….

  12. grace says:

    interesting place to slip in some garam masala! looks great, joanne.

  13. SallyBR says:

    Simple, straightforward and awesome!

    Just had on my list of pairings to try, corn on the cob sprinkled with Za’tar – I guess it goes on the same direction, but your version is definitely a step up!

  14. This sounds wonderful Joanne and your photos keep getting better with each post. Ireallyenjoy my visits here. Have a great day. Blessings…Mary

  15. Lynn says:

    I’ll bet that is so delicious with the garam masala.

  16. Amy says:

    Sleepless in Seattle bored me to tears. Apparently I am not a woman…or so I’ve been told.

  17. I’ve loved creamed corn forever. The garam masala sounds like a great accompaniment! Thanks for this flavorful idea!!

  18. I’m sorry but I cannot get into Orange is The New Black. It depresses me but this creamed corn doesn’t! I am gonna have to give this a go.

  19. Pamela Reed says:

    I am loving this corn dish, definitely going on the dinner list.. or snack dish… it looks that good! 🙂

  20. Monica says:

    Looks divine! Love fresh seasonal corn and this creamy dish doesn’t even have cream! Must be delicious!

  21. I should eat more fresh summer corn! This is a bowl of comfort and sweetness.

  22. Love creamed corn – never thought to add Garam Masala – great twist!

  23. love your new blog look Joanne. It’s so clean and fresh, just hired someone for mine… waiting in the queue. 🙂
    I love that you love Indian food, you sneak in the spices on just about everything.

  24. I forget how well good summer corn creams on its own. Awesome.

  25. sandra says:

    I’m with you. corn in season is so wonderfully sweet and juicy – like dessert. Interesting pairing with garam masala.

  26. Kate says:

    There’s something about creamed corn that gives me the skeevies. But a version without actual cream sounds more enticing.

  27. Pam says:

    I’ve never had creamed corn before. I like this healthier version – it looks and sounds tasty.

  28. Megan says:

    Good corn is so amazing. We’ve picked up a bunch at the farmers’ market, but the best so far has been from Ward’s Berry Farm. It’s just so sweet and wonderful. I’m actually a Silver Queen corn girl and go crazy when it’s available.

  29. Eileen says:

    CORN! I think local corn is the best all over the US–at least everyone I know argues for their corn superiority! A beautiful spicy creamed corn sounds just fantastic with a summer burger. 🙂

  30. corn is the summer time is truly a gold.

  31. I’ve never tried creamed corn, probably because anything that starts with the word ‘creamed’ I tend to have negative associations with, but oh man I want to dive face first into that bowl!

  32. I recently heard about those chips and really want to try them. I just have to find them first. I need to buy some more corn this week. A few weeks ago it wasn’t quite ready, but now it should be much better.

  33. Creamed without cream! Love it. We’ve been making lots of corn/avocado/onion salads/dips — this version needs to be added to the summer repertoire!

  34. Suzie says:

    Sweet corn is one of my favorite summer foods. After I type this I’m going to get some! Seriously I need some tonight. I like your version of cream corn much better than the canned stuff! I’ll have to look for those chips too 🙂

  35. I love, love fresh corn in the summer! I was just planning a meal around corn for tomorrow night.

  36. Oooh, this sounds great! I love anything with an indian spice to it, especially if it involves corn 🙂

  37. Ahhhh, amazing. I love corn.
    That and blueberries and watermelon. All set for the rest of my life.
    Pinning this! 😀

  38. Oh yum, I love creamed corn. I have never had it with garam masala but it looks delicious and sounds divine! 🙂

  39. Nice recipe, and one I would like to try in the Fall. Would like to try those chips for sure!

  40. I rediscovered corn on the cob this year after not eating since I was a child and I am smitten. I think I’d be smitten with this dish too 🙂

  41. I’ve only ever made creamed corn with cream. Blitzing it in the food processor with garam masala sounds divine. Perfect to eat while watching Sleepless in Seattle for the 89th time.

  42. Rhonda says:

    I have not had cream corn since the canned stuff when I was a kid. I think it is time to taste a GOOD version, this looks awesome.

  43. Tracey says:

    Who’d have thought you could make creamed corn without cream or milk?? I love this idea – garam masala is one of my favorite spices and one I don’t use nearly enough!

  44. what a fun use of garam masala! will have to try this asap 🙂

  45. Ooo. This sounds so good, and I’m always on the look out for more dip recipes.


  46. Hotly Spiced says:

    I can buy organic corn quite affordably at my local shopping centre. It has so much more flavour than regular corn and has a lot of sweetness. I haven’t made my own creamed corn though – will have to give that a try xx

  47. We get ordinary sweetcorn here and then sweet sweetcorn and I’m sure both would make a fantastic dip!

  48. Veronica says:

    Oh yes, the fresh corn is just like that here too! So good. Maybe i wouldn’t cry, but almost. 🙂 Your creamed corn without cream is brilliant! I’d totally scoop that up with chips as a dip too.

  49. Girl, Orange is the New Black is addictive and so emotional! Brian and I watched the entire season in one day about two weeks ago during a serious binge. It’s hilarious and sad and then hilarious again all at the same time. I might have to rewatch the season again just to take it all in. And then, I’ll make this corn because creamed corn was my most favorite thing growing up! And I love a good, real version of it instead of something canned!

  50. Jeanette says:

    I love Indian spices…and with creamed corn I can only imagine how good this is Joanne!

  51. I’m definitely that latter, as well…sweet summer corn is something that I look forward to all year long! That said, I’ve never been much of a creamed corn girl…but I think I could change my tune for a bowl of this. Love the garam masala addition against the sweetness of the corn.

  52. Christine says:

    Love corn in any form. Corn ranks right up there with tomatoes in the summer. What a great way to make creamed corn without the fat of cream!

  53. I’ve never even thought of having corn with garam masala, but it sounds brilliant. You’ll have to show me the best stuff around NYC when I move there next week!

  54. Ashley says:

    What a fun combination! I grew up in Indiana, so I’m a BIG fan of all things corn. Throw in some Indian flavors, and I am SO there!

  55. Chris says:

    That sounds powerfully good, Joanne. The garam masala is a unique spin, I like it.

  56. This totally sounds like something I would make. I love this idea!

  57. Julie says:

    Living in the “cornhusker” state, I am fascinated by your description of NYC corn. Guess I don’t think of it growing there. This looks delicious, always looking for a new corn recipe.

  58. Nutmeg Nanny says:

    I really can not blame you, fresh corn is so glorious 🙂 I love this!

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