Fancy French pastry meets America’s favorite sandwich in these peanut butter and jelly macarons!
Trashing up macarons with America’s most cherished childhood sandwich has to be all kinds of illegal.
It’s a good thing I’m dead set on The.Boy and I going to Italy for our honeymoon, because after these?
I’m pretty sure France has put out some kind of emergency warrant for my arrest.
Not only are my macs slightly hollow on the insides, somewhat cracked and deformed on the outsides, with feet that wax and wane with each 90 degree turn of the cookie.
(All of which might have been forgivable, and chalked up to me being a “silly American”.)
And WHAT do I have to say for myself?
I stand by that.
So maybe these are not the most fairytale-perfect macs on the planet, but they are dang delicious.
Even more so because you don’t know what to expect until you bite into them. You can tell right off the bat that they have a peanut butter center, but it’s the grape jelly surprise inside that appeals to your inner child and insists that you come back for one more bite or one more macaron.
As I hinted in yesterday’s post, the fabulous folks over at Sucre have challenged me to make the perfect mac! They supplied me with their secret recipe (adapted for a home kitchen) as well as some of their macs for me to use as a point of comparison. I couldn’t wait for those to arrive to dive into some macaron-ing, however.
The Sucre recipe is very no-frills/low-stress, but I think there are some adaptations I’m going to need to make if I really want to make the perfect mac. So let’s just call these a work in progress and I promise I’ll be back before the end of the month with a few more attempts, and maybe even a perfect no-fail recipe or two. We shall see.
The best thing about macs is that even the most imperfect of the bunch still tastes AMAZING, so don’t let their finicky reputation get in the way of you giving these a try!
(But, if you want to start out slow and not excommunicate yourself from the land of love, croissants, and pommes frites, I totally understand. I still maintain – #sorrynotsorry.)
- 1 cup (125 g) almond flour
- 1 cup (125 g) confectioner's sugar
- ½ cup (100 g) + 1¾ tbsp (25 g) granulated sugar, divided
- ½ cup (100 g) egg whites
- purple food coloring gel
- 1 cup peanut butter
- ½ cup grape jelly
- Sift together the almond flour, confectioner's sugar, and ½ cup granulated sugar. Set aside.
- In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, beat the egg whites and 1¾ tbsp sugar together until stiff peaks form. Mix in the purple food gel, enough so that desired color is reached.
- Fold the dry ingredients into the egg white mixture, about 45 strokes, smearing the batter against the sides to deflate the egg whites, until the batter falls like lava from the spatula and re-incorporates into itself after about 20 seconds.
- Put the batter in a piping bag and pipe into 1½-inch circles on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Rap the pans hard against a counter a few times to dislodge any air bubbles.
- Let sit for 30-60 minutes until a skin forms on the macarons. Meanwhile, heat oven to 300. Bake for 15 minutes. Let cool completely on the pans, and then turn them over.
- Pipe peanut butter around the edges of half of the cool macarons. Fill the center of this circle with grape jelly. Sandwich together with an un-filled macaron.
I sent a box of these macs to my Leftovers Club partner this month – the adorable Ashley of Spoonful of Flavor!
To find out more about The Leftovers Club and to find out how you can participate next month, click here! And make sure to check out the goodies that the other Leftovers Club members sent out and received this month!
“cracked and deformed”?! Hardly! They look pretty perfect to me! And I love the idea of the grape jelly surprise.
Joanne, these sound amazingggg! I think they look great!!
I would be very happy eating a PB&J mac, even if it goes against everything French:-)
These are beautiful! I love macaroons but have always been too intimidated to try making them. These are happening!
Macs + pb&j are two of my favorite things on the planet. This is a total match made in heaven!
they are beautiful – why don’t we have more purple food! these just look so appetising – and what a fun filling too – vive le revolution!
You know what? At least you can say you’ve made macarons. I, on the other hand, have been too much if a whimp to give it a try. I need to get over that. Soon.
Yay! These look amazing, Joanne! I am obsessed with macarons and can’t wait to try these! Thank you so much, dear friend 🙂
Can we talk about how I’ve never had a macaron? They don’t really sell them anywhere in the middle of the mitten and I’m afraid I’ll eff them up, making me think these beautiful little guys aren’t worth all the hype. But they just look so adorable and delicious and there’s really no way I can turn my back on PBJ — I might have to risk it.
These are brilliant!
These look awesome! How fun!! Where in Italy are you going for your honeymoon? We went there for our honeymoon last June 🙂
These look so cute! Your photography is beautiful!
Oh my goodness, these are beautiful! Love that pretty purple color!!
Trash it up all you want – these look incredible!!!
but these are beautiful! I have yet to make macarons. really need to get on that!
How adorable! I want 10! No, 100!
Oh my gosh, I am seriously hard core coveting these right now. You don’t even know!
I keep saying I will be making some macarons but still haven’t tried them! These look delicious (pretty purple color, too) and I’m sure they taste even better. This one has me intrigued, I’m inspired to really try to make these now, thanks for sharing them!
You are really really tempting me…. I’ve heard so many stories about how one should make the ground almonds from scratch because almond flour would not work. glad it’s not the case.
I am going to sit and wait for your adventures and then maybe face this challenge myself….
No. Freaking. Way. I’m coming to stalk you now so that I can have a few of these!!
Hi Joanne, your macarons are gorgeous, love the color.
i love the PBJ action going here.
I’ve never attempted macarons — they are definitely intimidating. these look delicious though!
Wow – seriously adorable macs! Why o Why can I not have ALL the leftover club members leftovers???
Ahhhhhmayyyyziiiing! LOVE it! Flawless and beautiful and this pictures tease me so!
You crack me up (love the opening line of “trashing up macarons…”) I tried to make them once and couldn’t get those “feet’ and gave up. Figured there are plenty of bakeries who do it way better than me. But PB&J macarons? I just might have to give them another try.
These are absolutely SO MUCH FUN! l love them. And really, I think they’re pretty darn gorgeous.
seriously!! i need these in my life like right now!!
Oh my!! You did seriously make the best macs ever!!! Love them 🙂
You’ve outdone yourself with these! Macarons are my all time favorite.
What a brilliant idea! They look wonderful.
You can’t go wrong with PB&J – it’s a magical combo!
they are gorgeous joanne (feet, hollowness, crackliness on top, chewiness in the middle be damned) and leave it to you to schmear it with PB! great idea! 🙂
this is how they should be eaten!
the color on these is absolutely gorgeous! never mind how they taste.
you’ve inspired me to try my hand at these again… maybe for the next leftovers club…
These look so wonderful and I’ve never tried to make macarons, maybe this is the recipe to get me going!
PB&J macs are the best! Not to mention when I made mine they turned out the same color. Great minds. 🙂
WOW! These look amazing! Not to mention beautiful! I just love the texture of macaroons! So light and chewy! What a great combo of flavors! A nice twist on an old classic! Gotta love PB&J 🙂 btw your blog is beautiful! So glad I found it!!
You know what, I’ve never had a macaron or been tempted by one until RIGHT NOW. Holy cow, those look good! And so pretty!
Macarons are so hard to make perfectly. I love that you are such a rebel and made pb&j macs. My son would DIG these babies.
P.S. You are so lucky to go to Italy for your honeymoon… let me know if you have room in your bag and I’ll sneak in. 😉
Oh my goodness, Joanne! I am on my way to your house now. I have to have one of these. I am loving this “American” version! And are you kidding about them not looking perfect? They look pretty incredible to me. Yum!
You rebel! 🙂 These look absolutely amazing.
So cool that you and The Boy are going to Italy. My husband and I saved for years to do a big trip there – 9 weeks – a few years ago. We blogged it – Let me know if I can help with anything…
Joanne, one word: amazeballs. Too good! Your macs look wonderful!!
When I made macs they weren’t perfect either, but I still loved them. I have been wanting to give it another try and now I’m gonna do it pbj style! But two questions: How do I get involved with this awesome Sucre event? And even though I’m not in the Leftover’s Club, will you please send me some of these or your next batch of macs? Pretty please 🙂
I am SO glad you went there with these PB & J macarons (or as the husband calls them, “sugar burgers”). Now pass me a dozen, pretty please!
I don’t care about perfect! These still look pretty amazing to me. Love the purple color.
I’ve never wanted a macaron so badly in my life.
Bravo!! You are going to Italy!! Smart choice girlfriend. And the macaroons are wonderful as the PB flavor – genius again!! Xoxo
Ha! I love your macarons! Perfect American twist on the ultimate French dessert.
haha, they look PERFECT to me!! And the PB&J combo is fabulous. ITALY FOR YOUR HONEYMOON?!?! Holy awesome!! You’re getting married in the fall, right? And you know I’ll be living in Italy in the fall, right? *hint hint*, lol, kidding. I can only imagine that convo….”oh hey boy, let’s go visit my friend Katrina on our honeymoon and sleep on her floor…”. I’m sure that would go over well!!
Wow, that is a crazy purple color. Perfect for PB & J macarons. Such a clever way to combine american and french favorites 😀
They look like a fairy tale to me, feet or no.
They may not be traditional, but they sure are gorgeous and sound delicious! I have been toying with the thought of making them for several years. Maybe the time has come!
Have a great day, Joanne!
This is such a fun flavor combo for macarons!
These are too fun, Joanne. I love that purple color!
Super, super impressed with these — and I’m not even a PB&J lover! So creative and cool, Joanne. Love them! (Also, my husband and I made macarons together on an early date, so this brings back fond memories! Aww. Ours were pistachio and not as pretty as these, though. But it’s all good.)
SUPER EXCITING! Yes, so exciting that they require all-caps. 🙂 I was picturing these the other way around–peanut butter macarons with jelly filling–so I’m especially excited to see that BRIGHT PURPLE. Yay!
Delicious! It was PB&J day April 2nd for one of our local restaurants. They were offering PB&J Pizza. Wish I had tried it.
Yesssss. I just showed my friends these…they look so good! Love love love the flavours.
Eh, France can get over it – obsessing over this purple color. And I just had a mango macaron in NYC last week from a French place, so if that’s allowed then this is too!
Wow, the color you achieved on these is absolutely gorgeous!
I love the colour of them, they are gorgeous! Such a good flavour combo 🙂
I need to find better containers for gifting/transporting my macarons! and as for method, I’m a firm believer that the Italian meringue method is more reliable/fool-proof. at least with my oven 😛 I’m gearing up to try a carrot cake version soon 🙂
I can’t tear myself away from this page. I tried… I can’t.
AMAZING flavor combo. I just recently made ‘whiskey + smokey lapsang souchong tea’ macarons for the Mr’s bday… I don’t know if there’s such a thing as a masculine macaron, but these delicate lavender ones look like the perfect antidote. Can’t wait to try!
The color of your macarons is just gorgeous, Joanne! Perfect for springtime but a perennial flavor combination. I think France will forgive a few imperfections…well, maybe not 🙂
Gorgeous photos! What kind of almond flour did you use?
I typically either ground up sliced almonds myself or use Bob’s Red Mill almond flour!
If they were perfect on your first try, we might have all had to like you a little less. As it is, I think everyone wins (except the French perhaps) – you are reassuringly human with macaron challenges, and we get to rejoice in the previously unknown possibility of PB&J in macaron form!
I think these sound delicious. Also I love the color of the mac, I would never think of seeing that color for a mac, cool!
Joanne, these are incredible, I think they are the prettiest macarons I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying a lot! Your photos are stunning.
Perfect flavour in my opinion! Italy for a honeymoon is an awesome idea 🙂
Julia Child always said that you should never apologize for your food – just act like the final result was supposed to turn out the way it did. If you hadn’t mentioned the ‘deformities’, I wouldn’t have noticed! Anyway, they look good enough for me- in fact, I’ll take two (or three)!
This is such a clever idea Joanne- never tried a peanut butter and jelly macaroon!
These are so pretty, Joanne – just stunning. I love the purple and peanut butter colouring. I’ve tried to make macarons before and after a dozen attempts, I’ve decided there’s something wrong with my oven – the results couldn’t possible be my fault? Yours are just gorgeous and so beautifully presented too xx
Get Outta Here.. These are amazing Joanne!
Italy sounds wonderful! I’ve been there once and I loved it. I hope to return some day. I loved these macarons when I saw them on G+ and I STILL love them! They look so pretty and delicious. 🙂
I’ve sampled the Sucre macarons, which are both pretty and delicious. I’d say you came dang close. For two years, I’ve sworn I’m going to attempt making my first macarons. I have yet to do it. P&J is brilliant. Looking forward to seeing what else you come up with.
These are much nicer than my first macarons which were the size of small plates!
even aside from the fact that this is a delicious combination of flavors, they could taste like dirt and i’d still be in love just because of that purple hue! 🙂
I think they look pretty darn awesome!!!! Better than I could do!
I agree with the above comments. These macarons look so pretty! I wouldn’t have noticed they didn’t come out perfect. And pb&j should not be illegal…ever! haha it’s my favorite combo!
I absolutely love the color combo of your macs!!
I may be a silly American too, but I say there’s no reason to be sorry, because these are totally BRILLIANT. *standing ovation*
If there’s a warrant for your arrest in France, I’m pretty sure I’m excommunicated from the country. I have only made successful macarons three times in my life… none of which were after the year 2010. SIGH. But you! You, my dear, have created these brilliant purple gems of delicious and they are lovely. Own them and be proud of the genius you have created!
OMG- these look amazing!!!
These look incredible! I love these American twist tbh!
I love that you “Americanized” them with pb & jelly! They’re so pretty – the perfect color for spring and Easter! I can’t wait to see what other flavors you come up with.
Love these! Nothing at all to be sorry about. I’m sure Paris would still let you in. 🙂 If you need Italy recommendations, I have tons!!
What a fabulously crazy flavor combination. What a nice throw back twist on such a supposedly fussy little pastry.
[…] peanut butter and jelly macarons, though adorably delicious, left something to be desired in terms of traditional macaron qualities. […]
have not tried macaroons.. scared they will come out and go right to the compost pile. but maybe… PS.. we honeymooned last year in Italy, and i have traveled there many times. contact me if you would like info… happy to help
The cupcake shop I worked at pre-Clara had a PB&J cupcake that people loved. It was the first time I’d ever seen something like that in dessert form. I’m definitely sending this recipe to my old work pals because I know they will love making these (because no one bakes cupcakes all day and then goes home to bake cupcakes for fun, most of the time anyway).
[…] pretty excited because she has had some pretty amazing Leftovers Club posts in the past like these Peanut Butter and Jelly Macarons from Aprils Leftovers Club. Not to mention a few (several, many….) recipes that I am really […]
[…] Peanut Butter and Jelly Macarons […]
[…] Peanut Butter Jelly Macaroons from Eats Well With Others […]
[…] Club partner, Joanne from Joanne Eats Well With Others. Her site is FULL of yummy treats like these Peanut Butter and Jelly Macaron and the Vanilla Bean Black Pepper Marshmallows she sent me. GIIIIRRRRL – THOSE WERE […]
[…] Peanut Butter and Jelly Macarons […]
[…] PB&J Macarons from Eats Well With Others […]
I’d love to make macaroons because I just got done watching Grace Cooks Up Succsess and the ones in the movie look delicious
[…] and jelly? It’s a classic combination in any form (is anyone else just dying to try these peanut butter and jelly macarons??), and it just feels right. I’ve been making the Barefoot Contessa’s version of Peanut […]
[…] my foodblogging buddy over at Eats Well With Others. She is an expert at macarons. It was her dreamy PB&J macarons that had me wanting to try them to begin […]
These are beautiful. The feet look good to me. I was having trouble making perfect macarons and read that adding a tablespoon of meringue powder per each egg white really helps stabilize these babies. Thanks for sharing your recipe 🙂 I will be making these today!