When in doubt, make noodles. That’s my motto and these Malaysian hot-and-sour noodles are just the thing to get your non-veggie loving brother and boyfriend to eat a whole bowl of bok choy, asparagus, AND tofu. For the recipe head on over to Marcus Samuelsson’s blog!
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I am loving the amount of bright green in your recipes lately. This looks like a delicious crowd-pleaser…. noodles are definitely a terrific vessel for getting people to eat the wonderful foods which they don’t (yet) appreciate!
Oh yum, Joanne. Bring on the asparagus! 🙂
That’s a motto I can totally get behind. We go to the Malaysian restaurant around us for our “noddle fix” all the time and thank goodness for it. I’ll have to check this recipe out!
This is so bright and fresh and flavourful. Love it!
This looks like a happy compromise for my household. My boy loves asparagus, but it’s not my favorite. I love bok choy, but it’s not HIS favorite. Perfect.
I am not much of a bok choy fan but with the noodles and tofu and flavours I would down a bowl of this rather quickly
I’m off the check out the recipe! Looks dynamite.
I’m not really a tofu fan, but the rest of that looks delicious!
I like your motto!
This looks awesome! Tofu would never go over in my house but one quick substitute and we’re in business. Thanks for the great noodle idea!
Love these flavors–and all the veggies! I want this for dinner tonight.
Mmm, this sounds amazing! My hubby always gets more excited about vegetarian meals if there is noodles involved.
I’m impressed that they ate this as veggie haters! It looks good though.
I think noodles might be the key to getting my boyfriend to excitedly eat tofu!
I love noodles – this dish looks flavorful and super tasty.
Testing, testing, 123…
Oh this bowl of noodles does look addicting. No wonder it was such a hit. Just tweeted the MS post!
Going to check it out!
I’m with you – if in doubt eat noodles – great idea – and especially if they’re cooked like this – delicious love the use of tofu and bok choy!
Mary x
These look fantastic! Love any excuse to enjoy bok choy!
Tofu and noodles? Brilliant dish anyday 🙂
Choc Chip Uru
I don’t love tofu, but that looks amazing!!!Going to see the recipe!
My sister is the same way! The only way she’ll eat her veggies AND enjoy them, if we’re ever out at an Asian restaurant, is if she orders a dish that had noodles and veggies in it.
But this dish is making me particularly hungry :9!
Oh…now this is my kind of food!
I’m convinced that people will try anything when mixed with noodles. Great looking dish!
I love Malaysian flavours. Think you’ve inspired me with what to put on the table tonight xx
Wow, if you can get my veggie hating hubby to eat bok choy, asparagus and tofu I’d declare you a miracle worker 🙂 I’m doubtful he’d be convinced but I’d love a big bowl of these noodles – yum!!
I’ve never even heard of hot-and-sour noodles before! Soup yes; noodles no. Now I’m extra excited to try it!
You might even be able to convert this Texas carnivore!
I really need to learn to love tofu!!! I mean, these noodles look insanely satisfying… a must!
Genius. We’re doing noodles this week too. Because I was in doubt.
Whoa – this is definitely my kind of dish. I even think Jason will eat this!
Light and delicious! I love hot and sour flavours.
I was a huge olive fanatic as a child, too! And my son is the same. Black olives are a guilty pleasure for me now, I try to stick to the more adult versions.
This sounds wonderful, Joanne – off to see the recipes.
This looks amazing! I love bok choy 🙂