Potatoes and cabbage get a sexy summer makeover in this recipe for braised cabbage with fried potatoes, feta, and dill.
braised summer cabbage with fried potatoes, feta, and dill

Welcome to the Eats Well With Others makeover edition!

In which we take the frumpiest of frumpy veggies and turn them into sexpots. For your mouth.

But less dirty than it sounds.


Cabbage isn’t going to win any popularity contests any time soon, especially not in this household where if I even so much as think about cooking with it, the.boy responds with dry heaves and temper tantrums.

I am so grateful every day for his maturity. (<–sarcasm)


Thankfully, fate intervened in the form of a large white cruciferous head in my CSA box this past week. And since we have a no veggies left behind policy in this household, I obviously had to use it.

Hopefully in a way that would result in minimal dry heaving from the peanut gallery.



Cabbage and potatoes are stereotypically cold weather fare, but throw in a handful of herbs and a pinchย of bright tangy feta, BOOM.

All dressed up in their summer best.

The cabbage itself is braised until soft, tender, and almost sweet and tossed with a bit of butter so that it is evocativeย of a mere hint of indulgence. Meanwhile, the potatoes are given a good fry in some olive oil so that they are crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside, and make you feel warm and fuzzy all over.

Suffice it to say, a big bowl of this is the closest to a come hither glance that this cruciferous is going to get, and I can guarantee that even the cabbage skeptics will be turning their heads to get a second glance at a bowl of these babies. And then running after it with their fork because one more bite is just too good to pass up.


Braised Summer Cabbage with Fried Potatoes, Feta, and Dill
Potatoes and cabbage get a sexy summer makeover in this recipe for braised cabbage with fried potatoes, feta, and dill.
Yield: 4 servings
  • 1 head white cabbage
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 lb fingerling potatoes, scrubbed and thinly sliced
  • ¼ cup chopped dill
  • ½ cup crumbled feta cheese
  1. Slice the cabbage into thin ribbons, about ½-inch wide. Put in a large pot along with ½ cup water. Bring to a simmer and then cook, covered, until the cabbage is wilted, 10-15 minutes. Drain the cabbage and toss with butter, salt, and black pepper. Set aside while you prepare the potatoes.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a large pan over medium heat. Add the potatoes and cook, turning occasionally, until starting to brown and just tender, about 20 minutes. Season to taste with salt and black pepper.
  3. Toss together the potatoes, cabbage, dill, and feta in a large bowl. Season to taste with salt and black pepper.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: ¼ of recipe

For more recipes to use up summer cabbage, check out these:

unstuffed cabbage with chickpeas, zucchini, swiss chard and bulgur

Unstuffed Cabbage with Chickpeas, Zucchini, Swiss Chard, and Bulgur

white beans and cabbage

White Beans and Cabbage

star anise-glazed tempeh with stir-fried peppers

Star Anise-Glazed Tempeh with Stir Fried Peppers

From Around the Web:

Caramelized Cabbage and Onion Pasta with Breadcrumbs from Prevention RD

Fresh Cabbage Kimchi from Food & Wine

Asian-Flavored Kale and Cabbage Slaw from Lisa is Cooking

Ethiopian Cabbage and Green Beans from The Taste Space

Barley Chickpea Salad with Purple Cabbage, Spinach and a Sesame Miso Dressing from What’s Cooking Good Looking


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47 Responses to Braised Summer Cabbage with Fried Potatoes, Feta, and Dill

  1. I’m the weird one that already likes cabbage so I don’t need much convincing on this meal:-)

  2. Nicole, RD says:

    I love your “no veggies left behind policy” – that’s awesome ๐Ÿ™‚ Sometimes i don’t know what to do with all my CSA loot, but that’s what Pinterest is for!! But still, I love cabbage…a lot! This looks amazing ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for including my pasta dish in your link-up, too! xo!

  3. I secretly love cabbage even though so many people hate it! Especially braised. It looks so good here, especially with feta! What a great addition ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I always struggle with what to do with cabbage…now I know! Make this, obviously! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Not sure how I feel about a sexpot in my mouth… but I’d definitely inhale a huge plate of this! Funny thing, Josh and I both thought we hated cabbage until my parents gave us a few heads from their garden a couple of years ago. Apparently all we had to do was try it, and then we liked it. Weird, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. I am totally trying this! My boy also pretend-vomits all over when I mention it….so annoying. I need to shove this in his face!

  7. Oh snap, I forgot about cabbage!! I love to roast mine, and this sounds like a good spin off from that. Think the babe will like it too!!!

  8. It’s like am psychic or something (not to be confused with psycho) but just yesterday I picked up some purple potatoes and purple cabbage – ooh now I know what to do with em…

  9. This really does make cabbage look tasty!!! Love it!

  10. Mmmmm yes dill and feta and potatoes! The combo is EPIC! Love that you added cabbage for some extra fiber!

  11. Love how you turned plain ‘ole cabbage into something so tempting!

  12. Deena kakaya says:

    Joanne this looks like a summery relative of a Christmas recipe I shared on my site…naturally I’m going to love that filling and fresh loveliness xx

  13. Tahnycooks says:

    I love that you showcase the CSA veggies you get and how you use them. As you know I am a family of CSA farmers and people are constantly wanting recipes for some of the veggies that they receive from our family farm. I am go to start giving them your site! You’re awesome!

    Oh…I love cabbage btw!

  14. Julia says:

    Ohhhh buddy I want the sexspots all up in my mouth. I’m fine with this being winter food in summer…in fact, I bet this whole thing is delicious cold, too, am I right? Did you know I’ve never braised cabbage? I need this sexy meal to happen all the days.

  15. Kinsey says:

    Oh boy I love fried potatoes. And with feta? Amazing! I don’t cook too much with cabbage other than with Thai slaws, but I do occasionally braise it in the winter and I think now I may have to in the summer as well!

  16. Mary Frances says:

    I already love cabbage … so yeah, this is killing me ๐Ÿ™‚ The potatoes and cabbage combo is one of my favorites (we have it every St. Patrick’s Day, I think) and dressed up in summer dressing and feta? Girl, enough said. I’ll take his leftovers, if he is offering ๐Ÿ˜‰

  17. I’m married to the only Irishman who doesn’t like corned beef and cabbage. Oh wait, my sister is married to the other one. What the hell? I love cabbage…and love this salad!

  18. cheri says:

    Hi Joanne, Oh I love cabbage and this looks like a great recipe. Great kitchen “policies” you have in place. I wonder if I made some up if my husband would listen to mine. (sigh)

  19. Pam says:

    I would never have thought to pair cabbage with sliced potatoes but it makes sense and looks totally delicious!

  20. Meg says:

    This is right up my alley! I grew up on cabbage thanks to my Polish grandparents, though I’ve rarely tried preparing it as an adult. This has definitely inspired me to give it a go! And I even have some fresh dill I should really use up . . .

  21. Susan says:

    Thankfully, I’ve turned my husband into a cabbage lover (of sorts) too. It does have to be dressed up and mixed with other things, just like this wonderful recipe, though ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Joyti says:

    This is so pretty, something about the color of the fingerlings against the pale green cabbage…and it sounds delicious AND appropriate for summer. I hope your boy gave in and ate it? ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. You could start a new TV show – how to make over the less attractive vegetables (and other foods!). I would definitely watch it over the clothes equivalents ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Eileen says:

    Dude, I love cabbage. LOVE. I’m not even joking. ๐Ÿ™‚ This salad is exactly up my alley! Especially since we may currently have one whole and two partially eaten cabbages in the house right now…

  25. tigerfish says:

    I like how the feta balances the braised cabbage potatoes dish ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. Danguole says:

    This is SO up my alley. And clearly, cabbage still abounds in the summer–so why don’t we see it in summer dishes more often? Especially sexy ones (not coleslaw, sorry coleslaw)?

  27. debbie says:

    Cabbage does happen to be very popular in my house..thank goodness! I love this together with potatoes. I think this would be great either warm or cold!

  28. You are preaching to the converted when it comes to cabbage. Together with potato, well, I’m already worhipping at the altar!

  29. This is my kind of cabbage salad. Love it.

  30. alyssa says:

    This is a great idea and such a creative way to eat cabbage in the summer!

  31. Turning plain ingredients a into gorgeous dish is a talent..this looks truly comforting and delicious.

  32. what an awesome way to use cabbage.. definitely something i will be trying. love feta + dill together too!

  33. Haha! I love that you de-frumpified the cabbage! My husband only likes cabbage in coleslaw form, but I happen to love it! This combo sounds amazing and I love every single element to this dish!! I need to try this right now!

  34. Kelly says:

    This is such a nice and comforting dish! I love cabbage and braising with all these flavors sounds amazing!

  35. When it comes to cabbage I have to say that I am a big fan. I never thought about pairing it with potatoes, looks delicious.

  36. I love cabbage in any shape or form, but in this dish what I most love are those potatoes! They look fantastic ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. I love cabbage and potato together! Such a good combination! This salad is calling my name ๐Ÿ˜‰

  38. Woah, love this idea! I do a lot of simple cabbage & potato sautes. Perhaps a tad boring, but timeless. Will be pinning this for later.

  39. elly says:

    I looooooove cabbage. My husband is not that crazy about it so usually instead of stuffed cabbage (the greek ones, with egg-lemon sauce) we end up with meatballs with the egg-lemon sauce. HOWEVER. He can’t say no to potatoes or feta so I think I’ll be trying this soon.

  40. Kate says:

    Like if coleslaw and potato salad had some kind of illicit love child.

  41. I absolutely love cabbage in all of its forms! I guess I’m the weird one lol. This salad looks absolutely fabulous with those crisoy potatoes oh yummmmmmmm.

  42. Reeni says:

    I’m a cabbage lover! Especially when paired with crispy potatoes. And feta and dill. Just some of my very favorite things.

  43. This could have been a normal boring salad but you suddenly made it so gourmet and delicious ๐Ÿ˜€

    Choc Chip Uru

  44. Johanna GGG says:

    yes this is a winter dish too and I want it now – honestly it is ambi-season! And looks amazing!

  45. Hans van Dam says:

    How can you write “But less dirty than it sounds” when you mention something being sexy.
    Poor you if sex is related to dirty.

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